okay okay, i'm finally updating my journal (sorry pizza boy
Anyway, i'm back in town for awhile finally. The holidays were good, cept i got a $50 gift card to Lowes (my absolute FAVE) and can't find it ANYWHERE! *pout*
my family totally spoiled my stepson, got him TONS of really cool stuff...and of course, he took all the neatest stuff back to his mom's house so we'll never see THAT again....ugh....
Okay so what's YOUR New Year's Resolution???
mine's basically a whole new lifestyle. HAHA. New exercise/sleeping/eating habits...(to try to help with the funk i've been in) and i also have to start STUDYING! I have to sit for my boards in June, and really haven't begun studying....the test is tough. REALLY tough..like usually only about a 50% pass rate. And i totally don't wanna have to take it again. plus, once i pass, it's like a 20k salary increase.. WOOT WOOT!
i've missed you all..but figured logging on to sg from my dad's house was a bit weird...

Anyway, i'm back in town for awhile finally. The holidays were good, cept i got a $50 gift card to Lowes (my absolute FAVE) and can't find it ANYWHERE! *pout*
my family totally spoiled my stepson, got him TONS of really cool stuff...and of course, he took all the neatest stuff back to his mom's house so we'll never see THAT again....ugh....
Okay so what's YOUR New Year's Resolution???
mine's basically a whole new lifestyle. HAHA. New exercise/sleeping/eating habits...(to try to help with the funk i've been in) and i also have to start STUDYING! I have to sit for my boards in June, and really haven't begun studying....the test is tough. REALLY tough..like usually only about a 50% pass rate. And i totally don't wanna have to take it again. plus, once i pass, it's like a 20k salary increase.. WOOT WOOT!
i've missed you all..but figured logging on to sg from my dad's house was a bit weird...
my new years resolutions are so similar i had to say hello. right down to the funk.
also funny. i logged in from my dad's computer over christmas.
what's your new fitness/eating regime? i'm shopping for somethng motivating.