It was fun while it lasted - 10 years of it. I came for the nudity, and stayed for the community. But the community that I had been a part of over the last decade is gone. Make no mistake, the slide for the site has been a gradual one. But instead of redesigning the site to stop the descent and put the beauty of... Read More
The reason I don't comment much on the internet is because I find if I look in the right places, someone has made a comment or post or blog that speaks to exactly how I feel about something (often better than I could have said it). This is one of those moments (thanks el_gallo, whoever you are)...
Nope, no major injuries. I amazed the people at the hospital, they kept trooping in to stare at me, haha. Still pretty stiff and sore, but hopefully on the way to recovery.
The day I met Des in person, it was IN Pittsburgh and while we had drinks at the hotel lounge, I watched both the Steelers and the Penguins win. Sorry man, if I can't root for Detroit, I'm rootin for Pitts.
For the most part I liked the storyline in the last 10 episode sprint, but it was very rushed. I mean, I know they had to tie up a lot of loose ends, but I did find some parts dissatisfying, like Odo leaving and Sisko becoming a god. Did you notice that a constant theme throughout the series was that Jake and Kira were constantly being left behind?
Well...I certainly understand why the deal was made...Uggla is a great player and will bring a big bat to the team which they need...I get it...BUT, Infante was the man and I am supremely dissapointed that he will not be in a Braves uniform. That man is so versatile and so clutch...he can play any position and is a hiiting he has decent speed...sorry but I'm still a little bitter about it and it has nothing to do with Uggla...I just freakin loved Infante...might as well just get rid of Prado then too while you're at it...(sarcastically speaking of course).