Wow, I was just thinking about Robert E. Howard and what a disappointment he is. I mean, how could a guy who invented CONAN and CROM and EVERYTHING COOL AND WARRIORLIKE EVER shoot his brains out after he found out his mom was terminally ill? He should have acted in a more Conan-ish fashion, and slaughtered some infidels, then deflowered some wenches, then rode around...
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Last night's important lessons learned: unknown, very very itchy allergies are bad, and homemade flamethrowers are beyond good. These two facts should be taken to heart by all.

Today sweetness incarnate has decided to take the form of a new stand for my bugs. 10 cinder blocks and four 2x4's later I've got a completely rockin' aquarium stand for under $20. Perhaps best of all,...
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my brothers used to play warhammer. they had the CUTEST LITTLE FIGURINES. i liked the squigs best, personally. were there squigs in warhammer? i can't remember. they were these big heads with giant mouths and tiny little legs.
OK, so tonight at midnight I go to the midnight showing of Gremlins on the big screen at the Oaks Theater, and what do I see? Like 10 other people there. What the crap? Do people have some kind of problem going to a midnight movie that's NOT Rocky Horror Picture Show? Coz I've got to tell all those RHPS worshippers, sorry to say its...
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C'mon now, who WOULDN'T like to have sex on top of a monolithic metal dinosaur?
Point taken.
I've got to admit, while I've not had a bad day in a long long time, today certainly gets the award for TOTALLY SWEETEST DAY IN FOREVER. How can I possibly convey the sweetness that was today? HOW? I do not know, but I willy TRY. I think the sweetness started when my boss called me around 8 AM this morning asking me to pick...
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hey guess what, I think Anti-Flag sucks smile

fake british accents annoy me. and I'm tired of people being "anti" whatever. In the immortal words of ALL, "Tell me what are you FOR!"
Anyway, I'm just happy that someone else stood up for what they like and didn't call it a "guilty pleasure."
All shall now witness my triumphant return! See, the wireless DSL thing on my computer decided to die. To death. Thus, my inter-web connection was killed without mercy, and I had to get a land-line installed in the ol' apartment so I could get a dial-up service. Well, after doing mighty battle with the Verizon goons for a week or so I now have a...
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is 7th kyu as pussy as it gets? i need to learn the ninja face rip.
Naw, it starts at no Kyu, and then after your first test you get 9th Kyu, so I tested 3 times so far, which I think is still pretty pussy, although I almost separated my friend George's spine a couple times tonight.
Violence is to be casted down upon the liquor laws of the powers that be! Do I want to be in a state of drinking this "fire water?" NAY! I simply want to go to the burlesque show and watch the pretty girls do pretty girl things! Is that so much to ask? NAY! I could get in the skanktacular strip club if I so...
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WE'RE ALL IN LOVE. jesus christ.

i'm going to come over and leave with your scorpions in my pockets. WRAPPED IN TIN FOIL.

[don't ask me. the MSG in domino's pizza makes me CRAZY.]
Do you study Ninjutsu?
I think I have a problem...nay, an addiction. I cannot stop listening to Manowar. No other bands seem to cut it, save some Hammerfall and Gamma Ray. I need to constantly hear about my sword dripping the sanguine blood of royalty and ranks of loyal soldiers standing at the ready with maces to annihilate any infidels who dare invade my lands. Speaking of medeval violence,...
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Yeah, I know I put up an entry this morning earlier, but this is a SPECIAL almost Thanksgiving entry! Coz for Thanksgiving, its story time. Ever read that Brother's Grimm folktale Iron Hans? If you haven't, don't, it sucks and is total pussy crap. If you did, then you already realize this. Well, for a folktales class (shazam for Literature requirements) I ended up re-writing...
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i didn't suggest the holding hands part. I SWEAR.
Haha, you so crazy, Penny! If any of you Pittsburgh-living tools had been on Wednesday afternoon or evening you could have come to the totally sweet Incredibly Strange Video Thanksgiving death death double feature...but its OK by me, I got to win a $10 gift certificate and watch movies about kids cutting their mom's heads off with hatchets and you got to be bored, so THERE.
Sleeping in and then eating Cap'n Crunch ROCKS! So does getting PAID! That's why today is a GOOD DAY. And then some good ol' fashion ninja training, and after that the super-duper midnight double feature horror-vision shock-o-rama! Sweet! But first I gotta do work-ey type crap around here, that blows. Oh well, can't win 'em all! Anyone but me ever notice how every heavy metal...
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\m/shocked RAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Ha,ha..Dino-sex WOULD kick ass!!!! Probably shouldn't try it right now though , you might stick to the metal . You'll wind up looking like a perverted version of the kid from A Christmas Story who got his tongue stuck to the flagpole . eeek
I know this is really really trite, but people with their Sporty Utility-Type vehicles need to learn how to operate a truck, especially in the city. I don't think they understand this is not a sports car they are driving, it is one step down from a mobile home. I was going down Craig St. (right by my apartment) at 5 o'clock today, and I...
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well, I know the bookmobile guy, he comes to my workplace to deliver books, and he says things and he's nice and he has children with him learning sometimes. Its great that he got to chew out a person who isn't doing things right.
BWAHAHAAHAHAA! "phase through solid matter" option. i don't drive, and the reason for that is that i'd probably run people like that down. oh well. i'll have a jeep cherokee when i get to pittsburgh. road rage related killings will rise at least 5%.