Now here is a bizarre story...for those of you familiar with Pittsburgh, envision 5th avenue in the heart of Oakland. For those of you not familiar, just imagine a main urban transportation artery. Now I've driven this road for years, during snowstorms and during rush hour on Friday evening with construction blocking 2 of the 4 lanes. But...tonight at 11 it was the worst I have EVER seen it. Good Charlotte played a show up the street at the basketball stadium and I swear the stupid street was blocked for like 10 blocks. Dead. Stop. Not only that, at least two other avenues were completely congested. People were driving like abject morons, as well. Don't they realize that they have to pay for it if they smash up their care? Or perhaps they just don't care. Either way, my trip to the supermarket in the South Side (its nicer than the other ones) was changed to Squirrel Hill, needless to say. The only thing that saved my sanity and the lives of those around me was Iron Maiden's Piece of Mind on cassette. Had it not been for Die With Your Boots On, many would have perished by my hand of doom. But its OK, coz in the end nobody died (that I know of) and I scored my bread and milk and zebra cakes.
Hey, and for those of you that love horrible music as much as I do, check out this band Lordi. They're hit single Would You Love a Monsterman? was NUMBER ONE in their native Finland! Think Andrew WK and GWAR combined, and you get a reasonable picture. Very, VERY addictive, and more so very very horrible. I love poor taste!
Hey, and for those of you that love horrible music as much as I do, check out this band Lordi. They're hit single Would You Love a Monsterman? was NUMBER ONE in their native Finland! Think Andrew WK and GWAR combined, and you get a reasonable picture. Very, VERY addictive, and more so very very horrible. I love poor taste!
Ah zebra cakes. I've killed for zebra cakes. Memories....

You totally should have just gotten out of your car and ninja kicked some of those turds.