OK, so tonight at midnight I go to the midnight showing of Gremlins on the big screen at the Oaks Theater, and what do I see? Like 10 other people there. What the crap? Do people have some kind of problem going to a midnight movie that's NOT Rocky Horror Picture Show? Coz I've got to tell all those RHPS worshippers, sorry to say its REALLY NOT ALL THAT GOOD. Yeah, amusing the first time or so, but hardly the end-all-be-all midnight movie of all time. Gremlins is one of the bestest Christmas movies ever, and only a pitiable 10 people (including me and my friend!) show up! Lame! I tell you, friends, if people don't support this sort of thing then it'll just cease to exist. Crom, I remember before the Oaks got renovated there really weren't any places at all around here for a while that had midnight movies, what with the Beehive getting shut down and all. All I'm saying is if you like this stuff, support it or it won't be there to support. Same thing for drive-ins, those guys are an endangered species and if they die out, a HUGE piece of American pop culture goes with them, as well as the absolute best way to waste a summer night.
C'mon now, who WOULDN'T like to have sex on top of a monolithic metal dinosaur?
Point taken.