My room is finally getting to the point where I can walk around without falling over things. Almost. One or two more hours of putting stuff where it goes, and it should be "in order." Then another 2 hours of cleaning and maybe there won't be a 4 inch thick layer of dust on everything. That would be awesome, wouldn't it? It sure would. I...
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Today -
-Death Metal CDs for a dollar or less are sweet. If the guy at the record store gets Lordi in for me, it would be sweeter.
- Avant-Garde dance performances get very very boring after an hour.
- Warcraft III does not.
- Soap hurts.
That is all. I want to watch my totally awesome copy of totally awesome Shock Waves and watch...
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-Death Metal CDs for a dollar or less are sweet. If the guy at the record store gets Lordi in for me, it would be sweeter.
- Avant-Garde dance performances get very very boring after an hour.
- Warcraft III does not.
- Soap hurts.
That is all. I want to watch my totally awesome copy of totally awesome Shock Waves and watch...
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I am looking for a don Quioxte sword........and I'm thinking that 3 muskateersish...
when are you working at the halloween store this week?
Sweet. I now have a JOB. The kind that pays money, even. Plus, I get to wear costumes to work every day, should I choose, as well as getting to wear anything in the store. Coz its awesome like that at the Halloween ADVENTURE. Go me.
On a boretastic note, grading 70 essay tests in one day sucks phat kokk. If I have to hear...
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On a boretastic note, grading 70 essay tests in one day sucks phat kokk. If I have to hear...
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cool, is baba yaga (sp?) a russian folk spirit
i thought you already new how to crush rocks!
i thought you already new how to crush rocks!
Hmm, well I guess since I've been around for a month or so I ought to throw some updateage this journal's way. If for no other reason than for my own personal edification (read: I should be doing work). But in reality, I am doing work right now! I'm watching Terminator 2 over again before a lecture I have to give on Wednesday. And what...
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cool, can i play in your band ive got,
the Inflagable Killer of Mandolin: minstrel instrument of death,
together we've battled orks, raided dungeons,
and annoyed dmb and other stuff
the Inflagable Killer of Mandolin: minstrel instrument of death,
together we've battled orks, raided dungeons,
and annoyed dmb and other stuff
it's ok. i have cut my hair since you last saw me.
T minus one week and counting until Japan....things are reaching FEVER PITCH!
[Edited on Jul 02, 2003]

[Edited on Jul 02, 2003]
hope your having a fucking blast in J-pan
Return from CLEVELANDIA! It is the land of CLEAVING, you know. Cleveland was fun, because it was not Pittsburgh. Sometimes that's all that matters. We got a totally awesome hotel room for $40 (one of the highlights), it even came complete with a salubrious breakfast! With french toast, even!
When we got into Cleveland, we decided to head for Coventry, as I had never been...
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When we got into Cleveland, we decided to head for Coventry, as I had never been...
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cool trip i havnt been to cleveland in a long time
Hmm, back again after yet another extended leave of is the long and short of the adventures up 'till now:
- Movie derailed by circumstances definitely falling into the "annoying" category. Derailed, but not destroyed, fools!
-Japan is expensive, but working 2 jobs with lots of 13 hour days sucks. Selling things on eBay is easier...slightly...currently working on a way to scam Wiccans for...
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- Movie derailed by circumstances definitely falling into the "annoying" category. Derailed, but not destroyed, fools!
-Japan is expensive, but working 2 jobs with lots of 13 hour days sucks. Selling things on eBay is easier...slightly...currently working on a way to scam Wiccans for...
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An ax in your car? Said it before, and I'll say it again. Dude, you rock! Glad to hear you're still alive! 

sorting trash sounds fun, but i still have the bouncing job, i'm just not in charge anymore.
suits me fine.
when do you leave for the Land of the Rising Sun?
suits me fine.
when do you leave for the Land of the Rising Sun?
Day one of shooting was an official success. The gods blessed us with clear weather, and I got to shove an uncooperative extra into a creek to make his death more realistic. Its OK since he's been my friend for a while, and you're allowed to do things like that to friends. I think I'm gonna start selling stuff on eBay really soon though, since...
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Hehe, sweet irony...I spent all morning listing items on eBay and totally forgot to dig the Lurtz figure out of the basement. Maybe this afternoon...
cool dude thanks again for giving me a ride last week
hope you get a good price for your ebay shizit yo!
hope you get a good price for your ebay shizit yo!
Honestly, who would think that moving 10 minutes across town could possibly derail my life so much? Its been like 2 weeks of pure annihilation! No sleep, no interweb (SUCK!), no bed (for a couple nights), no FUN! Bleh! Oh well, finally I have a night where I can just sleep in and not worry about things. HURRAH!
Movie shoot starts this...
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Honestly, who would think that moving 10 minutes across town could possibly derail my life so much? Its been like 2 weeks of pure annihilation! No sleep, no interweb (SUCK!), no bed (for a couple nights), no FUN! Bleh! Oh well, finally I have a night where I can just sleep in and not worry about things. HURRAH!
Movie shoot starts this...
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Aww quit your whinning. Smite people god damn you! You know you want to.
where are you going in japan? i speak a little nihongo.
Ahhh, glorious existence that is mine. Well, dear readers, it is nigh on 4:00 AM right now, and I'm in the midst of moving. As of now I am currently being held aloft only by viture of Mountain Dew Code Red and Children of Bodom's cover of Maiden's The Trooper, and let me tell you, its awesome.
The move to Squirrel Hill has been delayed...
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The move to Squirrel Hill has been delayed...
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He, he. Have fun stormin' the galaxy!
Er, wait....
Er, wait....

so is your hand healed up enough for galaxy stormin?
read your script its rokkenn!
read your script its rokkenn!
i forget! waynes world-party time-excellent
oh wait sorry