where to begin? im so sick of nhilism... ive been dealing with the anarcho/punk community since i was 18 ( a lot less latley) and im sick of skin-deep revolution. so many people seem to be obsessed with the idea of looking like they care, so caught up trying to look good that they dont do any good. maybe im just a cynical old bastard...
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i built my counter today, but i didnt get to my forge... ah well, tomarrow is annother day. i need to go to the woods, ive been working every waking moment for, oh, the last month and a half... i just want my forge working. workworkwork.
workworkwork is good for mood therapy purposes. it helps you put aside something else in your mind...
hey, one of your favorite bands is todreamofautumn, and my real name is autumn!
hey, one of your favorite bands is todreamofautumn, and my real name is autumn!

dont get me wrong, the work is great, i decided that i wasnt going to put any furniture in my house that i didnt make. basically i am not going to have any mass produced items in my houme (at least nothing major) and am learning to make all sorts of stuff. ive made a chair, a loveseat, a bed and a butcherblock countertop. my forge should be up tomarrow and than the fun really starts. i actually should havea website up shortly of all my projects (furniture, blades, t-shirts, backpacks, structural iron work)... let the work continue!
(autumn is also my favorite season)
(autumn is also my favorite season)
so they tricked me into signing up again... oh well, maybe it will do me good. i just bought a house in ferndale and homes are stressful... i have so much shit to do, some idiot painted over all the original woodwork, so i have a house full of 8 inch moulding to scrape... oh well, its something to keep me busy. i will hopefully...
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Pencak Silat? Lucky man. I almost got a chance to train with Herman Suwanda, but unfortunately I met him literally the week before his fateful trip to Germany. Silat is beautiful and deadly.
Like my moms.
Like my moms.