Got married!!
Actually, no chapel was involved. I'm not one for big weddings. Personally, I think they're a waste of money that one could put towards a down payment on a house or a kick ass honey moon. So Forrest and I decided on a small family and close friends gathering at Forrests parents house. There was a taco bar. Margaritas were involved. After the ceremony and small reception we hit up the neighborhood to meet up with the rest of our friends.
Behold! Pictures!!
That's Forrest on the phone trying to locate my mom and the missing tacos!! On the way from picking up the food and getting to the house there had been a minor mishap involving enchiladas and she was running late. Being the worry wort I am i asked a friend to ask Forrest to call her and make sure everything was ok. And below is a weird one of me getting ready.
That's our room mate. He's like a brother to us! And ladies...he's single!!
My maid of honor and I sipping mimosas and @schiavona letting me know that the missing tacos were found!!
A picture of the ceremony and on taken afterward of Forrest and his best man!
One of us all hanging out after the ceremony and before the shenanigans. Take note of @lostabroad's awesome Doctor Who vest that he made. The last picture was taken while we were out and about. It's of Forrest and our friend DJ. I think it's one of the best pictures of the bunch.
The very last picture is of my friend Victor and I. I was super drunk when this picture was taken. All in all it was a really splendid night full of wonderful people and many, many drunk shenanigans. It was a drunk night to end all drunk nights. In fact, since then I haven't really had much to drink. It's not a conscious decision to stop drinking because I have to, but because it's just not as appealing to me as it once was. I believe that night had something to do with that.
Well, SG land...that's it for now! Hopefully, I will get better at updating. I used to be so good at keeping in touch here, but lately life has been one monstrous wave after another. Some of the waves are fantastic, a surfers dream. But others are the stuff of a mariners nightmares. It's those waves of life that keep me away from here, which I'm not always fond of.
Until next time!