I log on to myriad messages reading, "Iggy, where are you?"
I wish I could say that I have been travelling around the world. I wish that I could say that I was praying in some far off monastery and that I've found the meaning of life. I wish I could regale you with tails of adventures so unbelievable you'd be off in a flash fact checking my stories. But alas that is not the case. I'm still here, in Charlotte, doing the same old, same old.
You see, I have a really shitty computer that is quite tedious to use and my phone doesn't always like to properly load SG, so I haven't really been able to log onto the site. However, today I overcame the headache that is my 2009 Toshiba Satellite and decided to log into SG. I've missed it. Luckily, @lostabroad is selling me his old computer for a decent price so hopefully I'll get that soon.
Oh, by the way, a great big HELLO to my new followers!!
So what is the 'same old same old' you ask?
Work. Sex. Netflix. Music. Repeat. (and add a few dashes of whiskey and beer and hanging with the BFF for good measure.)
Work is still good, though sometimes it gets to me, like any other job can get to a person. I still retain the feeling however that I felt much more exploited and used working in retail and customer service than I do stripping. I think what I like least is not knowing how much money I'm going to make. It's a 100% commission sales job and sometimes customers are into me and sometimes they're not. It's disconcerting, but I don't let it get to me. I know I'm hot, I'm just not everyone's cup of tea.
I've been watching a lot of the show 'Peaky Blinders' on Netflix. I must say that I'm pretty head over heels for it. I love Cillian Murphy and adore the use of music that's anachronistic, yet still fits the mood and general feel of the show. Also, the use of 'Red Right Hand' as the title theme has resurrected my love of Nick Cave, whom I am listening to at this very moment.
I dyed my hair blue.
I've been spending a good amount of time with these two goof balls.
That's my latest foster dog, Max. I rescued him two hours from his euthanasia date. I call him 'Black Marley' because he's a lovable pain in in the ass. Also, my boyfriend is hot. Just saying.
I've been writing some songs on guitar with my BFF/next door neighbor.
(She's adorable, no?)
I'm still doing the rescue thing...
And that's about it, I think.