This weeks blog homework asks us what our favorite games are. To be honest, I'm not so much into playing games. I'm more of a sit and chat over a few beers kind of gal. That being said however there are a few games that I absolutely adore.
1. Capture the Flag. I love a good game of capture the flag (or manhunt, or even just hide and seek!) There's just something so primeval about it. It arouses so many senses and really challenges the mind. It's also a great social activity and is physically taxing. You see, I'm generally a hyper person. I have trouble sitting still for long periods of time so games like capture the flag are ideal for me. I was walking around my neighborhood today, which is right by the Little Sugar Creek Greenway, and I was thinking of how it would be perfect for a nice small game of urban capture the flag. For years I've wanted to play it on my birthday with friends, but I never had a group of friends that were into the idea. Sure, they were into their regimented work outs ruled by hours at the rank and file gym, but to suggest a simple game of capture the flag? They balked at the idea. Perhaps this year it will happen though since I've been hanging out with a rather young and energetic crowd.
2. Katamari. There's just something so soothing and anxiety reducing about rolling up a ball of stuff and throwing it up into the sky to become the stars that your king father accidentally destroyed. I'm not big into video games at all because, for the most part, I find them to be stressful or frustrating. Sure, when I was a kid I was way into Super Mario and Duck Hunt on the family Nintendo system, and I'm still into those games when I can get my hands on them, but I never got into anything else really. Then, my ex husband got me into Katamari and I was hooked. It's one of the few fond memories I have of my marriage. It's just so utterly silly and fun. Plus, you can get your Katamari big enough to roll up cows and people. People!!! Watching them flail about as you roll them around is simply sublime.
Also, the beginning credits are amazing.