This weeks homework handed down to us from @rambo, @missy, and @lyxzen asks us what our favorite lame joke is.
Here it goes...(drumroll please...)
A baby seal walked into a club.
Let that sink in.
That's it. Hardy har har.
Polo is not amused.
Anywho, so I did something the other night that I swore I would never do. For those of you that don't know, I'm an avid redditor. I've posted a few times to the girls with neon hair, androgynous hotties, and aww subreddits a few times but I always said I would never, ever post to Gone Wild. I know I'm already naked on the internet and all so it's not a matter of modesty or what have you. It's mainly because people on reddit can be really fucking mean and I just don't want to deal with that sort of bad attitude.
But the other night I was incredibly bored, vaguely inebriated, and curious. It was a deadly combination, really. I went through my myriad risque selfies, found one, and posted to r/gonewild. While I must say that my picture wasn't as popular as others, I was pleasantly surprised that no one said anything mean or spiteful. Reddit is full of trolls so I fully expected to experience some hardcore trolling. I got a lot of compliments (which was nice,) some dick pics (which were funny) and some erotic short stories featuring me (which were weird).
So yeah, if any of you are on reddit go check out the gone wild subreddit, find me, and give me karma! Sweet, sweet karma!! hehe.