Yesterday, I had quite possibly the best Thanksgiving I've had in over a decade. Normally, Thanksgiving and Christmas are days of massive depression for me. I remember last Thanksgiving I spent the day avoiding my family drinking Wild Turkey and watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day Marathon online.
But yesterday I spent the day with my dogs, my foster dogs, the dogs I'm pet sitting and one cat. It was amazing. I made a whole turkey just for them and for my family when they get back from vacation. Later on in the night I met up with boyfriend and he stayed the night with me.
(If it's not a whirlwind, it's not a romance for me.)
So, I went on a predominantly vegan diet recently. I lost 8 pounds. It's awesome.
Those are two of the dogs I'm dog sitting. Oliver is the doxie tri-pod and the slumbering beagle is Fat George. Fat George is my knight in shining armor. Or Tricolor fur. Either or.
Fat George and me. He's a charmer. (Forgive the lack of make up.)
Today, I've been hanging out with Forrest and we've been making food and having some cocktails he made up.
Good times are being had by most.
Hope y'all are having a blast!