I must admit that summer is not my favorite season. I'm a hot blooded woman so the heat always bothered me doubly so. However, my dislike of the season never prevents it from happening. It always approaches rather slowly and then suddenly...BAM! Somewhere around June it becomes unbearably hot and can stay that way until the middle of September. This year summer started rather late, but it's here now and it's presence can not be ignored. It's like that really loud, obnoxious, drunk girl at the party who keeps interrupting your conversation.
As with everything though I try to make the best of summer. I revel in the fact that I don't have to worry about bringing a jacket and can go about in light, sleeveless shirts. I relish the fresh cherries and raspberries. I drink fruity cocktails that would be out of place in the winter time.
I don't have any real plans for the summer. It's puppy season so I can't really make too many concrete plans. For those of you that don't know I work in animal rescue. What we do is go into the community and to the high kill shelters and pull the adoptable dogs so as to spare them from euthanasia. Most of the time, these animals are not in the best of health so we spend a month or so (sometimes much longer) rehabilitating them and getting them to optimal health before they go to rescues up north where forever homes are found for them. My job consists of a lot of errand running, poop cleaning, and making one or two trips a month up to New Jersey to bring them to the two rescues we work with up there. Sure, it's a long drive. I don't mind it though. Plus, I get to see my friends and family up north while I'm there. (Also, I get to go to the shore, which is amazing. You're missing out if you've never been to the Jersey Shore.)
So most of my summer will be spent caring for puppies and shuttling them around. In between the puppy stuff though I get to have fun! When the sun begins to set and the heat begins to wane just a little I make my way out and about and often find myself in some patio of a cafe or bar having a cold beer and watching the world go by. That's probably my favorite summer past time: sitting outside with a beer or drink and people watching or generally just musing to myself about life.
And yesterday, @lostabroad took me shooting, which may now be my second favorite summer activity.
I think I'm the only liberal who doesn't believe in strict gun control.
And in more exciting news I made an appointment to get a new tattoo for my birthday! Now I can finally look forward to my birthday instead of dreading it!