So, as you can see from the album I uploaded, @lostabroad took a fair amount of pictures of me the other night. They are the first nudes I've had done in several years. Some of them I look at and think, "damn, I'm hot." Some of them I look at and think, "damn, when did my ass get so big?"
I still have those awful tan lines. @lostabroad said I looked very southern. I didn't quite know how to take that. But what am I supposed to do? I tan ten shades darker just being out for a few minutes to check the mail and I'm not checking the mail or going jogging in the nude. I live in the Bible Belt, not Portland. It would be greatly frowned upon here and I'm too pretty to get arrested.
It also occurred to me that I need more tattoos. Sigh. If I could impart any wisdom upon the youth of today it is to splurge on things like traveling and tattoos now, because when you're older your money suddenly starts to disappear to places you don't want it to disappear to.
And now, more pictures for your viewing pleasure!