Seriously, why were we born? hehe.
So as last nights blog states, I am indeed single again. Having been the initiator of the break up I am doing rather well. He is decidedly not, but he'll recover soon enough. Why the break up, you ask? Well, there were just these little things that life experience has taught me will become big things. I've been around enough to know when something isn't going to work, when there are lifestyle differences that are just too much to overcome.
Also, the whirlwind romances never really last all that long, do they?
Moving on...
I finally discovered how to find people that live near me on the new version of the site. Yes, I know, I am a little behind. I followed all the people who are in the Charlotte area and actually seem to update and participate in the site, which sadly were not many. Oh well. C'est la vie.
I'm wearing this lip stain that makes me look like I've been eating a red ice pop. I rather like it but I don't think I'll be leaving the house in it.
You can't really tell that it's there in that picture due to the lighting, but trust me, it is.
The little Daisy Ann snuck herself into that last picture. She's just too cute, though she looks like a blur there.
I'm listening to LCD Soundsystem. There's a part of the song that goes, 'you can't normalize, doesn't it make you feel alive.' How apropos for today...