To be perfectly frank, 2013 was a hell of a year for me. It was a year from which I am still recovering. So, to stay positive, I pretty much count my blessings every day and try to dwell on the positive more than the negative. So a list thus follows of everything and everyone I am grateful for.
1. I finally found a person who gives my sex toys a run for their money.
2. I lost a lot of 'friends' when I was in my darkest hour suffering with bipolar disorder. That sucked. But I am incredibly grateful for the people in my life who stuck around and the people who came back into my life after years of silence and welcomed me back into their lives with open arms.
3. My family. They rock.
4. BEER. It is the nectar of the gods.
5. I'm incredibly grateful that I came back to the site after such a long hiatus to people that still remember me and I am even more more grateful that I got to meet even more awesome people.
6. I am grateful for the fact that I am indeed weird and different. It's taken me a long time to accept my 'otherness'. I always wanted to fit in somehow, somewhere and never felt like I ever did. But now I am happy I don't really fit in anywhere. It helps to give me perspective on things and helps me keep my mind as open as possible.
7. My cat. I love her.
8. I'm glad that I have a job that I don't dread going to and that I actually enjoy.
And there is so, so much more, but I don't feel like boring you all. Also, it's getting rather late and I must be off to bed.