I work Tuesdays through Saturdays. Monday is my Sunday!
The best part about being home alone is being able to walk around my house buck fucking naked. The feeling of being able to go to the fridge and get a glass of cranberry juice whilst in my birthday suit is simply delicious, though the feeling of cold juice on my nipple isn't. To answer your question: yes, I am that sloppy. You can't take me anywhere!
I'm currently waiting for my clothes to dry and listening to Rage Against the Machine. Before that, I was listening to Jenn Friedman on Spotify. Jenn Friedman is a dear friend from college that I wish I had spent more time with. Her latest album is up. If you like awesome singer/songwriters who write for piano then she's the girl for you! Obviously, she's heavily influenced by Tori Amos, but I wouldn't say she's a carbon copy.
Something that's been on my mind lately: Unlike some other SG's, I enjoy supporting the hopefuls. However, I do wish that y'all would post blogs that are more about your lives than "Hey, go look at my set in MR!" or "Buy my prints!" You guys have to lead much more interesting lives than that! Part of the allure of SG, what sets us apart from the bland and banal porno sites that litter the internet like trash on a New York sidewalk, is the fact that we can all seriously get to know each other. I don't know about you guys, but a huge part of what turns me on is knowing a person, or at least the feeling that I do. I can't get off merely to pictures. I have to like the person in them as a person themselves.
End rant.
Something else that's been on my mind: Why isn't @ameline pink yet?
Anyway, here is some digital proof of my walking around the house naked a good portion of this morning: