Want to know why social workers all seem so burned out? Right now, my top 2 reasons are:
1. There's so little respect or cash offered to social workers that a lot of people who shouldn't be allowed to tie their own shoes find themselves in positions of what often seems like incredible power over people's lives, and those of us who don't have our heads completely up our asses frequently spend more energy redirecting those people than actually helping our clients.
3. At the end of the day, no matter what we do and how things seem to be going, it's all up to the individual and they can throw everything away in the blink of an eye. I often wonder how a carpenter would respond if they built a house and had to watch helplessly as it collapsed upon itself just because it fucking felt like it.
2. My parents were right, I should've just gone to law school and made truckloads of money.
Yeah, I know I threw an extra one in there, but it's my journal and I've decided to change the laws of math in here. I need control over something for a change.
1. There's so little respect or cash offered to social workers that a lot of people who shouldn't be allowed to tie their own shoes find themselves in positions of what often seems like incredible power over people's lives, and those of us who don't have our heads completely up our asses frequently spend more energy redirecting those people than actually helping our clients.
3. At the end of the day, no matter what we do and how things seem to be going, it's all up to the individual and they can throw everything away in the blink of an eye. I often wonder how a carpenter would respond if they built a house and had to watch helplessly as it collapsed upon itself just because it fucking felt like it.
2. My parents were right, I should've just gone to law school and made truckloads of money.
Yeah, I know I threw an extra one in there, but it's my journal and I've decided to change the laws of math in here. I need control over something for a change.
Huh. I thought I was making a new entry but apparently I just changed the old one. I'm leaving it, it's not like the old one was interesting anyways.
Well, I thought it was interesting!