So far I have seen 300 two times, and am planning on going tomorrow at 4:30 to only the best movie theater in the world: St. Anthony Main. Any other Nordeasterners know of the beauty that is this place? if not, GO THERE! Just not when i am there seeing 300. I enjoy time away from others oogling topless, CGI enhanced men. My hand may...
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CopyPod is amazing! So far I have taken about 200 songs from my the iPod of my s.o. (for those confused, significant other), and put them in my iTunes library. This is great! Now i can have every Goatwhore, Dimmu Borgir, Devin Townsend Band, etc. CD on my iPod and not have to pay ridiculous sums of money to do so! huzzah! Seriously, check this...
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Not bad! I used to have a formidible 24+ gb of MP3s until my ex-girlfriend decided to fry my computer with spyware and viruses. Now I'm down to the modest 15gb that I was smart enough to back up.. I just wish I had backed up the whole thing. Now I have to re-rip I don't know how many CDs.
What file format are iTunes/iPod files in? I've never dealt with either..
Grand indeed.

What file format are iTunes/iPod files in? I've never dealt with either..
Grand indeed.
I finally did it! I finally got my left nipple pierced! It hurt like a bitch, but oh well. It looks spectacular! In other news: The White Rapper Show is spectacularly hillarious. "King of the Burbs" is so incredibly stupid it hurts. "Ghetto Revival"? What. The. Fuck. He can't even explain it well. When asked exactly what it's about he says "It's about the revival"...
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Ha! My roomie watches The White Rapper Show. I have only seen bits of it and nothing really captivated me for too long. I'm more of a I Love New York fan!
Ha! My roomie watches The White Rapper Show. I have only seen bits of it and nothing really captivated me for too long. I'm more of a I Love New York fan!

Was the Ghetto Revival thingo ment as abit of satire or what? I reckon it must if its a comedy show... havent seen it though myself so i cant say squat
Congrats on the nipple piercing too! Im not keen to get one myself, but ive got a few chick mates who've gotten them and i reckon it looks great.

Congrats on the nipple piercing too! Im not keen to get one myself, but ive got a few chick mates who've gotten them and i reckon it looks great.
So after missing goatwhore and not being able to see Enslaved and Dark Funeral i have resolved that there is no way in Valhalla that i am missing the Heathen Crusade of Saturday. I can skip Friday because all i really want to see is Bal Sagoth and and Vesperian Sorrow. I HAVE TO GO. Oh, and since the boyfriend knows Dean who works there...
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That sounds like a sick show!
Bummer on missing Enslaved/Dark Funeral.. I'm in the same boat on that one.
Bummer on missing Enslaved/Dark Funeral.. I'm in the same boat on that one.
Life is so incredibly dull it pains me. School begins Tuesday, which is going to be hellish seeing I have three of my four classes that day, including one of my night classes. BORING. Oh well, it'll be nice to finally have something to do with my day instead of lounging around, putting off work like a complete waste. The S.O. went to see Arsis...
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So last night was Metal Bowling at a very fine establishment, which name shall not be announced, for I do not wish to cause problems. I had a blast! A lot of us met up because a friend, Spud, is leaving to go on tour tomorrow. Spud does sound for bands, and he's currently about to do sound for a local pop-punk band (I forget...
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Nice taste of music you have

Thanks, cutie
I love George Carlins performances and I've been watching every show that I can find on internet. There are lots of stand up guys who are funny, but I have seen only two who got really good points whit their act. George Carlin and Bill Hicks.
It's shame that Hicks is dead now, I would love to hear what he got to say about politics at these days.

I love George Carlins performances and I've been watching every show that I can find on internet. There are lots of stand up guys who are funny, but I have seen only two who got really good points whit their act. George Carlin and Bill Hicks.
It's shame that Hicks is dead now, I would love to hear what he got to say about politics at these days.
So I have decided that Lizzi is the sexiest and most amazing SG out there (that i am aware of so far, but hey, I'm new). Not only is she wickedly sexy, but she likes metal, and not shitty metal, but real metal! One of her favorite bands is Death (amazing fucking band)! I love it when sexy women like metal, and not just because...
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Wow, thank you! I'm blushing!

You forgot "coolest!!"
A jay-walking citation!?! Seriously!? Wow. I do that all the time. Major bummer. How much $?
You forgot "coolest!!"

A jay-walking citation!?! Seriously!? Wow. I do that all the time. Major bummer. How much $?
I am off to have four wisdom teeth cut out of my mouth. Joy! There is a certain taste that comes with having any teeth removed that i cannot explain, but know. Every time i think about getting these teeth out do I immediately associate it with said taste, and want to vomit a little. I am also super thirsty, but must obey the 6...
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Well hopefully it won't so that bad. My son went to the dentist for the first time today. He has two cavities.
Poor guy. He goes back Monday for fillings.

Welcome to SG! You're still pretty fresh.
I'm convinced that the whole pulling of the wisdom teeth is just a dental scam. I don't plan on ever removing mine, but if you must good luck and enjoy your Vicodin.
Welcome to SG! You're still pretty fresh.

I'm convinced that the whole pulling of the wisdom teeth is just a dental scam. I don't plan on ever removing mine, but if you must good luck and enjoy your Vicodin.

Wow am I internet unsavy. I can't get an image to load (granted that I have very few to choose from seeing that a) my camera phone was stolen and i am poor
, as well as b) I left my digital camera at the family cabin some two months ago and have been too busy to retrieve it). Oh well, No one gets to...
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Well apparently I'm not, considering I can't spell! ha.
Good to hear your rate Enslaved, been my fav band for some weeks now!
I always wanted an account on Suicide Girls. Well, by "always" I actually mean almost two years, but who the hell is counting those things? Well, obviously I am. Let us just leave it at a mild form of OCD mixed with the will of a perfectionist to explain almost everything in full detail. And you think it's annoying.
I'm really not sure what I...
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i didnt think anyone else said that... no he is not pissed, mad, nore hate me..
he actually thanked me cause i gave him a break off of work