I feel like this is a really hard topic because I have done a lot of wierd (not necessarily crazy) things..
I will start with..
Front bottoms and say anything concert on Lsd
My first time tripping was at the 2nd to the best concert of my entire life so far. There was a shit ton of people, a lot of music, and a lot of cops, but my attitude was still "hell yeah lets do this!" Lets just say i entered entergalatic mode and just had a very emotional very very emotional and terrific night. Everything was awesome but it seemed like everything was just a little off. in a good way. We had a DD for after the concert, whom to our surprise, when we were driving back was falling asleep at the wheel. My boyfriend and I decided it was our duty to be the front seat folks. With all of us smoking a shit ton, our friends making out in the backseat, our DD sleeping, somehow we made it home. He wasnt too bad of a driver, but i felt like i was Robert Downy Jr. getting high for the first time in due date.
The butler pubic library story
My friends and I were very intoxicated on a normal weekend night in Butler. We got this brilliant idea that since Butler was one of those "eh" towns that we were goings to take the L off of the public library sign. Therefore making it "the butler pubic library"
we stole the L's from both signs and hid them, someone snitched on us so the cops knew like everything and lets just say I almost got arrested for this.
I really didn't want to give that L up but oh well.
I can't wait to hear more crazy stories! @missy @rambo
Now it is time for me to go to sleep (and creep just for a bit longer)