Man, what a wasted weekend. UFC on Saturday night was dissapointing, got backfisted in the head right proper at the end of class on Sunday, have buyer's remorse from summer clothing shopping today (though all things are still great, I just wish I wasn't such a clotheswhore), and it was too warm to cuddle Hugh proper.
Now I feel all sooky. I want to jump in a pond and swim and cheer myself up. Guess I'll do the next best thing and finish the last drawing I have for next week and start packing so I can say I accomplished something this weekend.
Does everything else feel guilty when they 'waste' a weekend or is it just me?
Quitting smoking update: Have not had more than 3 cigarettes the last couple days. Have one pack at home and one on me and gave Hugh my word that I wouldn't buy any more. Steph is laughing now because she knows I'll make good on that promise even when I start nikking out. Some poor kid on those stupid fucking roller sneakers is going to get their head ripped off this week. I'll be glad when I've actually 'quit' smoking good and proper so I can stop being such a fucking crank.
Oh, another addition: While kicking around the mall today I stumbled into a clothing store I hadn't been in before ('Envy', maybe?). I was just puttering around, looking at things when I realized the sales lady was trying to talk to me. Now, see, the reason I wear big 'ol headphones when I'm shopping is so they won't do that. When I pulled them off she mentioned noticing my tattoos and asked if I knew of Ed Hardy. I said "yes, he's been around for a while and is a pretty big name" and she said they had some clothes with designs by him. I thought that was pretty cool, I'm not a huge fan of Hardy for the most part but I walked over with her while she pointed the line out to me. $125.00 for the first shirt she picked up! Jeebus! Even the tanks were like $80.00. Hell, I feel guilty if I drop more than $25 on a shirt. I wouldn't even buy the UFC tanks they had down at Bootlegger because they were $30. And who the hell thought of making UFC tanks in white with tattoo-style roses on them anyway? Jesus, it's like the clothing industry is bastardizing everything I love and sploogeing it together into one giant affront to alternative culture.
Now I feel all sooky. I want to jump in a pond and swim and cheer myself up. Guess I'll do the next best thing and finish the last drawing I have for next week and start packing so I can say I accomplished something this weekend.
Does everything else feel guilty when they 'waste' a weekend or is it just me?
Quitting smoking update: Have not had more than 3 cigarettes the last couple days. Have one pack at home and one on me and gave Hugh my word that I wouldn't buy any more. Steph is laughing now because she knows I'll make good on that promise even when I start nikking out. Some poor kid on those stupid fucking roller sneakers is going to get their head ripped off this week. I'll be glad when I've actually 'quit' smoking good and proper so I can stop being such a fucking crank.
Oh, another addition: While kicking around the mall today I stumbled into a clothing store I hadn't been in before ('Envy', maybe?). I was just puttering around, looking at things when I realized the sales lady was trying to talk to me. Now, see, the reason I wear big 'ol headphones when I'm shopping is so they won't do that. When I pulled them off she mentioned noticing my tattoos and asked if I knew of Ed Hardy. I said "yes, he's been around for a while and is a pretty big name" and she said they had some clothes with designs by him. I thought that was pretty cool, I'm not a huge fan of Hardy for the most part but I walked over with her while she pointed the line out to me. $125.00 for the first shirt she picked up! Jeebus! Even the tanks were like $80.00. Hell, I feel guilty if I drop more than $25 on a shirt. I wouldn't even buy the UFC tanks they had down at Bootlegger because they were $30. And who the hell thought of making UFC tanks in white with tattoo-style roses on them anyway? Jesus, it's like the clothing industry is bastardizing everything I love and sploogeing it together into one giant affront to alternative culture.
but I want roller sneakers!
^ I second that motion!!!