So.....moving in to my new shambly home today.
Not the worst place, needs some work....
I shut all the windows in this ridiculous southern heat and began walking to the other end to turn on the AC....
Didn't make it. I was already so hot, and by the time I'd gone from one end of the house to the other shutting windows, on my way back AGAIN to the AC control (why didn't I just turn it on THEN close the windows?!)....I got dizzy. And things got blurry. And WHAM. Floor.
That's not the worst thing, though.
I called to have my phone service and DSL switched....
Can't be done until Thursday(!).....
AND NO DSL AVAILABLE. That's right, I'm so far out in the middle of fucking nowhere that even though MY NEIGHBORS have it, I am out of range and there's no connections left.
So....dial up is a last resort. In the meantime, however, I shall pick up the router from the old home and a LOOOOOONG ethernet cable (100something feet!) and run it to the neighbors house....and mooch off of their broadband.
See you (hopefully) this weekend.
Molly, you are my goddess, and I shall make sure we still speak daily.
So.....moving in to my new shambly home today.
Not the worst place, needs some work....
I shut all the windows in this ridiculous southern heat and began walking to the other end to turn on the AC....
Didn't make it. I was already so hot, and by the time I'd gone from one end of the house to the other shutting windows, on my way back AGAIN to the AC control (why didn't I just turn it on THEN close the windows?!)....I got dizzy. And things got blurry. And WHAM. Floor.
That's not the worst thing, though.
I called to have my phone service and DSL switched....
Can't be done until Thursday(!).....
AND NO DSL AVAILABLE. That's right, I'm so far out in the middle of fucking nowhere that even though MY NEIGHBORS have it, I am out of range and there's no connections left.
So....dial up is a last resort. In the meantime, however, I shall pick up the router from the old home and a LOOOOOONG ethernet cable (100something feet!) and run it to the neighbors house....and mooch off of their broadband.
See you (hopefully) this weekend.
Molly, you are my goddess, and I shall make sure we still speak daily.
Sorry to hear of your internet woes.....did you get the ethernet cable hooked up to your neighbors? I wish for you non-dialupyness soon....
[Edited on Jun 11, 2005 11:30AM]