My father emailed me yesterday. The subject line was "Signs Of Life". I thought it was very amusing, as I'd just put in Pink Floyd's "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason" just moments before, and the opening track is titled "Signs Of Life".
Pink Floyd, another discovery I'm sure I'd have made eventually, but original found through a joyous many things.
It was some time in middle school, my parents had been steadily converting their cassette tape collection to CD and thus the tape organizer-once a jealously guarded and off limits treasure chest-became less and less a concern to them, eventually being pushed to the bottom shelf of some piece of furniture farther away from the stereo. At last, I could pluck through it and see what I could see.....
The only Pink Floyd I was aware of was The Wall, which Dad played fairly regularly; and the video for "Learning To Fly" which was on one of their home brew tapes of music videos. I fondly remember the LP fold out art for The uniform and blank...
Among other curiosities I snuck off with, "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason" was never went back to their vault. I hadn't had much exposure to full length theme oriented albums, and this was a flowing piece of bizarre British elegance. It's still one of my favorite albums, though I'd be hard pressed to call it a favorite Floyd-too much of their work is great.
I found all kinds of neat things through such silent adventures....such as The Lord of the Rings.
My parents had lots of books, again many of which I was not to touch...unless I was helping rearrange the house or moving things to storage in the garage, including a TON of books. I remember being scolded for touching some older, "valuable" books, likely in the same pile I would eventually pick up LotR from. In 5th grade, we watched The didn't really connect with me. One day, though, Dad and I would visit a gaming store....and he'd excitedly pick up a few metal figurines that I couldnt identify. "What's that, Dad?" "TREEBEARD THE ENT!" "So it's a tree? What's it carrying?" "Those are Merry and Pippin, Hobbitts!" AHA! A Hobbitt! Now THAT word rung a bell. Dad briefly explained that they were from a series of books that he and Mom-especially Mom-read when they were younger and really enjoyed, and that I should read when I get older. It was about an evil ring and a war between wizards. (not quite, but simple enough for a child). Treebeard was trying to carry these lost Hobbitts home, and Saruman (another miniature he picked up) was an evil wizard who was hunting the Hobbitts because one of them carried a magical ring, and....he got a few miniatures, and the seeds were planted....
Later on again, I would stumble across the piles of books in the garage and happen to see THE LORD OF THE RINGS, VOLUME 1 peeking through to me. This must have been 6th or 7th grade....and knowing the valuable old books were off limits, I slowly read through them when I was afforded time alone and could remember where I was. I actually never finished Return of the King....
I dont know where I was going with this.
Pink Floyd, another discovery I'm sure I'd have made eventually, but original found through a joyous many things.
It was some time in middle school, my parents had been steadily converting their cassette tape collection to CD and thus the tape organizer-once a jealously guarded and off limits treasure chest-became less and less a concern to them, eventually being pushed to the bottom shelf of some piece of furniture farther away from the stereo. At last, I could pluck through it and see what I could see.....
The only Pink Floyd I was aware of was The Wall, which Dad played fairly regularly; and the video for "Learning To Fly" which was on one of their home brew tapes of music videos. I fondly remember the LP fold out art for The uniform and blank...
Among other curiosities I snuck off with, "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason" was never went back to their vault. I hadn't had much exposure to full length theme oriented albums, and this was a flowing piece of bizarre British elegance. It's still one of my favorite albums, though I'd be hard pressed to call it a favorite Floyd-too much of their work is great.
I found all kinds of neat things through such silent adventures....such as The Lord of the Rings.
My parents had lots of books, again many of which I was not to touch...unless I was helping rearrange the house or moving things to storage in the garage, including a TON of books. I remember being scolded for touching some older, "valuable" books, likely in the same pile I would eventually pick up LotR from. In 5th grade, we watched The didn't really connect with me. One day, though, Dad and I would visit a gaming store....and he'd excitedly pick up a few metal figurines that I couldnt identify. "What's that, Dad?" "TREEBEARD THE ENT!" "So it's a tree? What's it carrying?" "Those are Merry and Pippin, Hobbitts!" AHA! A Hobbitt! Now THAT word rung a bell. Dad briefly explained that they were from a series of books that he and Mom-especially Mom-read when they were younger and really enjoyed, and that I should read when I get older. It was about an evil ring and a war between wizards. (not quite, but simple enough for a child). Treebeard was trying to carry these lost Hobbitts home, and Saruman (another miniature he picked up) was an evil wizard who was hunting the Hobbitts because one of them carried a magical ring, and....he got a few miniatures, and the seeds were planted....
Later on again, I would stumble across the piles of books in the garage and happen to see THE LORD OF THE RINGS, VOLUME 1 peeking through to me. This must have been 6th or 7th grade....and knowing the valuable old books were off limits, I slowly read through them when I was afforded time alone and could remember where I was. I actually never finished Return of the King....
I dont know where I was going with this.
P.S. - I'm going to marry you and NOT have your magical babies.