New kitty!
His temporary name is Trogdor, the Purrninator.
Rescued him from work a few nights ago....where asshole redneck coworkers were trying to throw him in the trash compactor to "teach him a lesson"....thank Bob he escaped and I was able to seduce him from his hiding spot.
Any name suggestions?
I'm uploading some recent pics, if anyone gives a shit.
Uh, remind me again... why... exactly? I mean. There are a THOUSAND reasons, I know. But my memory is fragile and needs reminding. ;>
Yeah, King's X were an obsession of mine for a period in my life. I don't listen to them with much frequency these days, but I still know their classics by heart. I'll most likely check out there new album, but the last couple didn't really grab me the way that Gretchen or the self-titled album did...