yesterday i became less of a sexual predator, because my beautiful boyfriend turned 22.

this picture is not from last night. but i will have those soon, and we did go back to the bowling alley.
and his friends and i got him trashed.
he was so drunk in fact he threw about eight gutterballs in a row. he was also so drunk he took pictures down my shirt in front of everyone. did i care?
then i dragged him home and made him put out like a prom date.
in other news i am getting my utilities turned on this tuesday. youd think i'd be pleased. i'm not. but the wonder ful violently and her boyfriend and i went to home depot, and i got some paint, so i guess maybe it wont be so horrendous. i think T is going to stay at my place for a minute while i settle in. if the douchebag client he is working with will let him out before fucking five a.m. every night.
i've been discussing throwing a brick through this cat's windshield BUT i dont care to ruin T's job or reputation so i will stick to dreaming of it.
so. be this as it may. i cant wait to see you kids at the housewarming.

this picture is not from last night. but i will have those soon, and we did go back to the bowling alley.
and his friends and i got him trashed.
he was so drunk in fact he threw about eight gutterballs in a row. he was also so drunk he took pictures down my shirt in front of everyone. did i care?
then i dragged him home and made him put out like a prom date.
in other news i am getting my utilities turned on this tuesday. youd think i'd be pleased. i'm not. but the wonder ful violently and her boyfriend and i went to home depot, and i got some paint, so i guess maybe it wont be so horrendous. i think T is going to stay at my place for a minute while i settle in. if the douchebag client he is working with will let him out before fucking five a.m. every night.
i've been discussing throwing a brick through this cat's windshield BUT i dont care to ruin T's job or reputation so i will stick to dreaming of it.
so. be this as it may. i cant wait to see you kids at the housewarming.
I hate who he's working with. He ruins everything, including our day at 6 Flags. Stupid fucking asshole.

your face is classic!