holy fucking vegas dude.
i got to the Luxor at about 8am after a long night at work and 2 hours of sleep. i was about to crash out when my phone starts blowing up.
its my friend who's joining me, and we have a problem.
our costumes were Mystique and Gambit. mine was easy, 6 pints of blue latex paint, red hair spray and wax to make scales. i thought his would be even easier. but no. he's in seattle, in the airport, and tells me he has no boots and i have approximately 4 hours to find them.
so i jump in a cab and spend $100 on cab fare going all over hells half acre (or whole acre even..jesus) trying to find knee high boots. i finally find them way out near the suburbs, and buy them. i go back to the hotel. i try to sleep. my mother keeps calling me. i keep thinking of turning my phone off but i cant for when my friend gets in.
finally i go to the airport to go pick him up, theres joyful excited "oh-my-god-this-is-going-to-rule" talk and hugs, and we get in the cab and go back to the hotel.
we call every cab company, to no avail, and finally say fuck it. we get dressed to the nines and go to Jet at the Mirage. we wait in line and meet six native Alaskans, one of whom is having their 21st birthday. they hold our spots for us and we go get drinks. now the drinks at Mirage are about 75% booze and 25% mixer, and come in those 10 ounce plastic cups. i had a vodka OJ and he had a jager and red bull.
or rather, a huge glass of jager and like tablespoon of red bull.
by the time we get in we are sloshed drunk. we dance for awhile and then go to the bar, where there's a man in a suit, but with red painted fingernails. i remember his name was Thomas. Thomas buys us a round of tequila shots and we buy him one back. i am beginning to wonder if i am going to be able to continue to stand up. we go back to the hotel and my friend jumps off the steps and does a spin, so i ask him to do a cartwheel and he does and i laugh so hard i fall off my heels.
the next day was halloween.
after 2 and a half hours of both of us painting me pretty much full time, i look fucking amazing. my friend goes out in the hallway and it goes something like this.
him (to couple in hallway): HEY! you guys want to see some shit?!
couple: (confused)
me: (pokes head out.)
couple: oh my god.
we had our picture taken about 100 times that night. it was sort of like being paparazzi'ed for one night. cool for 5 mins, annoying after about 15. we go to Pure because i have guest list. the line is 3 hours long and they tell me i cant get in because my face is latex'ed and they cant check it against my ID. we get pissed and go to Paris, have some champagne (me) long islands (him) and head into club Risque. we dance and drink too much and smoke too many cigarettes. we're the best dancers on the dance floor. people stare because im blue and he's a good dancer.
finally we go back to the Luxor, i ask to take a picture by the fountain, and am so drunk i fall in.
needless to say we missed our flights the next day. we had to catch later ones and i had to get on still partially blue.
annnnnd thats pretty much the outline, and what i can remember.
i'll post pictures of the costumes asap.
i got to the Luxor at about 8am after a long night at work and 2 hours of sleep. i was about to crash out when my phone starts blowing up.
its my friend who's joining me, and we have a problem.
our costumes were Mystique and Gambit. mine was easy, 6 pints of blue latex paint, red hair spray and wax to make scales. i thought his would be even easier. but no. he's in seattle, in the airport, and tells me he has no boots and i have approximately 4 hours to find them.
so i jump in a cab and spend $100 on cab fare going all over hells half acre (or whole acre even..jesus) trying to find knee high boots. i finally find them way out near the suburbs, and buy them. i go back to the hotel. i try to sleep. my mother keeps calling me. i keep thinking of turning my phone off but i cant for when my friend gets in.
finally i go to the airport to go pick him up, theres joyful excited "oh-my-god-this-is-going-to-rule" talk and hugs, and we get in the cab and go back to the hotel.
we call every cab company, to no avail, and finally say fuck it. we get dressed to the nines and go to Jet at the Mirage. we wait in line and meet six native Alaskans, one of whom is having their 21st birthday. they hold our spots for us and we go get drinks. now the drinks at Mirage are about 75% booze and 25% mixer, and come in those 10 ounce plastic cups. i had a vodka OJ and he had a jager and red bull.
or rather, a huge glass of jager and like tablespoon of red bull.
by the time we get in we are sloshed drunk. we dance for awhile and then go to the bar, where there's a man in a suit, but with red painted fingernails. i remember his name was Thomas. Thomas buys us a round of tequila shots and we buy him one back. i am beginning to wonder if i am going to be able to continue to stand up. we go back to the hotel and my friend jumps off the steps and does a spin, so i ask him to do a cartwheel and he does and i laugh so hard i fall off my heels.
the next day was halloween.
after 2 and a half hours of both of us painting me pretty much full time, i look fucking amazing. my friend goes out in the hallway and it goes something like this.
him (to couple in hallway): HEY! you guys want to see some shit?!
couple: (confused)
me: (pokes head out.)
couple: oh my god.
we had our picture taken about 100 times that night. it was sort of like being paparazzi'ed for one night. cool for 5 mins, annoying after about 15. we go to Pure because i have guest list. the line is 3 hours long and they tell me i cant get in because my face is latex'ed and they cant check it against my ID. we get pissed and go to Paris, have some champagne (me) long islands (him) and head into club Risque. we dance and drink too much and smoke too many cigarettes. we're the best dancers on the dance floor. people stare because im blue and he's a good dancer.
finally we go back to the Luxor, i ask to take a picture by the fountain, and am so drunk i fall in.
needless to say we missed our flights the next day. we had to catch later ones and i had to get on still partially blue.
annnnnd thats pretty much the outline, and what i can remember.
i'll post pictures of the costumes asap.
best halloween story i have read all week
thank you for the giggles, hope all is well now xox