For the most part yes...I start back to work I'm excited. I can't wait to get back into the regular routine. Sadly my Grandfather is very close to passing away (anytime this week) that puts a little gray cloud over my week. It's little because i know he won't be in pain anymore...but my parents aren't taking it so well.
I've been terrible about updating and replying lately, and for that I apologise.
It seems like every time I sit down and think about writing something, I've nothing too nice to say. I'm convinced that my life is not the terrible, hopeless mess I perceive it to be, but rather I simply tend to dwell on the negative. Indeed.
I'm getting a bit tired of telling folks I haven't felt like reading lately; it seems a little bit too self-fulfilling to keep saying.
So what to read? I'll try to think of some things.
Wow. Thanks everyone for the heaps and loads and oodles of love and support last entry. I really needed it.
One of these days I'm just going to go through my friends list and write up a short little blurb on "Why Hyena loves _____", and go through everyone (that replies to me and who I still remember why I added, that is... you know... Read More
It's utterly nasty outside. And I'm tired. I haven't had much to say recently. Well, that's a lie; I'll rephrase: I haven't had anything nice to say lately. As I get older I get quieter- or rather, better at biting my tongue. I imagine one day I'll just stop talking all together.
I should get dressed and go to work. Sorry about the update before/without... Read More
Just a little update before I should start readying myself for the workday. I'm a bit odd on this subject. I'm terrified of being late for anything, so I generally give myself an inordinate ammount of time to do the few tasks necessary before walking out the door. It's more of a mental thing; I need time to get used to the idea... Read More
We recently got a new dishwasher. Now, having never had the luxury of a machine that will perform my most-hated household chore, and suddenly being blessed with just such a contraption, I must say will all sincerity that this is the most glorious invention ever. Nice to finally have joined the 20th century.
Our kitchen had been equipped with a dishwasher, but it didn't work.... Read More
You should seriously get someone in to weatherize your house this summer. As a matter of fact in PA they have a program for low income families (not that I know your income) but maybe NC has the same? Worth a shot. That's a ridiculous gas bill. I pay about $150 a month for a 3 bdr house, and the house is drafty!
I am jealous you can sit in the sun and smoke. Have some for me, mm k?
... but I'm afraid I'm having a bit of a problem with my wireless connection, so I can't use my laptop to get online, and that's where the pictures be. And I can't burn 'em onto a disc and just use another computer, because my c.d. burning programs all refuse to work properly. Bastards.... Read More
i start the Starbucks gig tomorrow. i'm looking forward to it in that a) it will give me something to do and prevent me from fucking about on the internet all day, b) i'll soon have money for much needed things, and much wanted things, and c) it might give me the opportunity to meet some new people. on... Read More
wow. four updates in three days. it's like i'm making up for lost time, or something.
i wasted all day on the internet doing nothing in particular.
i just found out a friend of mine (who i don't see or speak to nearly as much as i'd like) is in rehab. there's no need to hash out specifics or speculations, but it left me with... Read More
Circumstances considdered, i'm not necessarily a big fan of most 'rehabs'. But it could be a step in the right direction. However, details aside, i hope your friend turns out for the best.
Congrats on the job. Sorry about the Uniform (sort of uniform).
And that shit always gets me, "so long as nobody complains?" What the fuck is that about anyway?
"Mr. Manager, i really like your coffee, but i'm having a hard time buying it here because that girl has piercings."
Oh, ok, well, X-hundred customers come in here and buy coffee daily with no problems, but since you're a prejudice bitch with no real gripes and haven't a worthwhile complaint that actually affects you or our business transactions, we'll force this person (whom we're already dressing in frumpy clothing and is doing her job perfectly well) to take out her BAD BAD jewelry to make your coffee buying experience better. Because i know sometimes that labret piercing oozes puss into the espresso machine and other times hinders her abillity to pour your mocha into a fucking mug.
Man, sometimes i love how bitter i am
And i guess i could lie to get a job. I love lying. But i think i'd rather lie to get a good job. Lying to get a scrub minimum wage job doesnt exactly make me feel that great. Although min wage here in oregon is $7.50 (or something close to that)
Either way, we really miss you too
When (emphasis WHEN) i get rich, i'll fly you guys out here (or wherever i may be)
i guess you're right, unless you work in the mall like me, and get no fucking hours and minimum wage and get paid every other week, end up spending your check on NECESSITIES in the first 3 days and you're broke for the next 11 days
I love the pic.
How about yourself?
Ohh wait, what normal.
And i'v felt the same way about my current relationship. Although we'r not as seroius.