I'm sorry I've been a bit lax in posting here. I have tried to stay active on instagram but between getting reported last weekend on ig and hulking out on demolishing my kitchen and dining room this weekend I've been laying low. But i promise to stay more active now that things have settled down in my life.
So its been pretty much a month since i got my nipples pierced and I'm so excited that they are pretty much healed! Now my next major change will be a tattoo that is going under my boobs. Its a work in progress trying to get this tattoo perfect but I'd rather take the time to really get it right. Once i get a better picture of what I'm doing I'll make sure to share.
Well enough updating you all about my life, time for me to head to bed. Interview tomorrow to be well rested for. I will leave you with a lovely image as a thanks for reading this boring blog lol. P.s. Less than two months until my set comes out!!
Love you guys <3