In this home work, we were asked what our ultimate last meal would be. @missy @lyxzen @rambo this has taken me some thought, as I see myself as somewhat of a foodie. I literally have a LOVE affair with food, as I love many kinds. Although I often times crave breads, pasta's and of course, chocolate, my last meal would have to be something more elaborate, something that sticks to my ribs and makes me feel "comfy" and would entail more than one course.
My first course would be a giant cup of hot coffee (go figure 😉), biscuits and sausage gravy, with four pieces of extra crispy bacon.
My next course would be a big glass of ice cold sweet tea, an ice cold Corona with lime and salt, and a big plate of soul food: Fried Chicken, barbecue ribs, greens, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, red beans & rice, and corn bread.
Of course this much food would be about 3 courses by itself, but soul food is just so damn good, you have to eat it all together. Hehe 😆
No good meal is ever complete without dessert, so to finish off my ultimate last meal, it would be a giant piece of walnut brownie, vanilla ice cream, topped with tons of hot fudge, and finished off with whipped cream and a cherry. Brownies with ice cream and hot fudge are one of my many weaknesses, I could never die without tasting it just one last time.
Thank you for listening to yet another one of my many rants of things I love and am passionate about, my SG lovelies, I look forward to reading many of your passions and stories as well..
Hunnibee 💋