I find it a little silly that to join certain groups they want you to have an active blog..... What if I blog somewhere else and don't feel that its worth my time to blog in a second place? What if keeping a blog just isn't my thing, not everyone feels compelled to keep their daily activity's and thoughts written down. I suppose it doesn't...
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It's because some private groups have actual, in real life meetings and the last thing we want at these parties are dudes we know nothing about. Who wants a stranger who might be a super creep at their house? I know I don't!

Maybe link your blog on here to your outside blog, if that's your thing kiss
I understand your reasoning CZ but there are other ways to get to know people. Things like Facebook, and twitter, both of which are linked on my profile. Or here's a novel concept..... Talk to me!! I am hesitant to believe that everything that people write in a blog is the truth, for all you know I might just write what it is that you want to see and not anything factual about myself.