New job and yet another new home!!
Sun's out!!! Time to get outdoors without burning to a crisp... again...
One grey cold bank holiday down, a summer of rainy bbq's to look forward to.... oh, the british summer!!!
thanks so much!! i really do hope it's a sign.... guess we'll have to wait and see 
sorry 'bout the rain. it's freezing and rainy where i am right now...

sorry 'bout the rain. it's freezing and rainy where i am right now...
New year snow and ice- bad! Snow days.... Good!! What a start to the new year!!
thanks very much! x

Early Christmas holidays mean no work till the new year; Result!!
It's finally the season for festive drinking... Let the carnage commence!!!

Got properly zombied' up (and drunk) for Halloween... Winner!!
At last; the sun is back out and it's summer again!!!!
Outdoor climbing- excellent... right until the british summer decides to rain, still... there's always the pub!!
After four hours of bouldering on indoor walls, I have almost completely no feeling in my fingers or toes!!!
cheers for the kind words you left on my new set.... (and hope the feeling has returned to your fingers and toes since you posted this blog!) 

thanks for the nice comment on my set!! you actually caught onto the dirty dandelion wishes....props!
hope all is well with you