Well.. It seems like time for an update.
Got a new tattoo yesterday night. A little Batman behind my ear, done off of Micheal Gagne's Batman. I really love it, it's little and cute.
I'm seeing The Cure on Saturday, exciting, no?
A lot of my friends have gone grey recently.. That's sad.
Still working on the upcoming move to New York.
Now, adding in a week in Orlando with Adrenelinriot for a few days, and the trip up to the Jack. I was going to try and join SGNY, what with the coming move, but I'm not sure I'd get approved, so I may not even try. *sigh*
Enough about me. Time for other people. adrenelinriot, my constant companion, got her first tattoo last night! It's cute. Along with another friend of ours, we've been living together, which is sort of exciting, mostly because we've managed not to kill one another.
Survey time, since it's been a while, and I'm beyond bored.
1. Forget romance, say it's just about the sex. What's the most important quality in a partner?
2. Favorite role that you've seen Angelina Jolie in.
3. Favorite Cure song?
4. Which smilie is your favorite?
5. Cuter thought, Pirate Kitties, or Ninja Monkies?
6. In the movie of your life, what song would they play in the scene where the love of your life leaves you?
My answers:
1. They have to be adventurous. And if it's just about sex, they have to be willing to hurt me. *g*
2. Bonnie in Original Sin, or Lara Croft.
3. Lovesong
5. Pirate Kitties
6. Rachel Stamp's Superstars of Heart ache
to all
Got a new tattoo yesterday night. A little Batman behind my ear, done off of Micheal Gagne's Batman. I really love it, it's little and cute.
I'm seeing The Cure on Saturday, exciting, no?
A lot of my friends have gone grey recently.. That's sad.
Still working on the upcoming move to New York.
Now, adding in a week in Orlando with Adrenelinriot for a few days, and the trip up to the Jack. I was going to try and join SGNY, what with the coming move, but I'm not sure I'd get approved, so I may not even try. *sigh*
Enough about me. Time for other people. adrenelinriot, my constant companion, got her first tattoo last night! It's cute. Along with another friend of ours, we've been living together, which is sort of exciting, mostly because we've managed not to kill one another.
Survey time, since it's been a while, and I'm beyond bored.
1. Forget romance, say it's just about the sex. What's the most important quality in a partner?
2. Favorite role that you've seen Angelina Jolie in.
3. Favorite Cure song?
4. Which smilie is your favorite?
5. Cuter thought, Pirate Kitties, or Ninja Monkies?
6. In the movie of your life, what song would they play in the scene where the love of your life leaves you?
My answers:
1. They have to be adventurous. And if it's just about sex, they have to be willing to hurt me. *g*
2. Bonnie in Original Sin, or Lara Croft.
3. Lovesong

5. Pirate Kitties

6. Rachel Stamp's Superstars of Heart ache

1. romance
2.lara croft
3.to many to name. (going to the show tomrrow nite)
5. "....just me and my monkey..."-white album
6. "the office" theme (that song is just argh..awesome) or "one"played by aimee mann