It's been a minute! And by a minute, I mean several years. Last time I was online was 2018! So I just wanted to update you briefly on where I am now, and everything that happened in between.
It's 2024: I live in Austin TX, own a ranch, and run a nonprofit rescue that saves shelter dogs from euthanasia. I eloped with BradBuilds and we've been married for 6 years now. I still have "baby coyote" who is now 8, and have since adopted 3 more dogs. Baby Coyote is still an asshole, and I love her deeply. I love my life, and all the people who I've since invited into it. And it was quite a journey getting here.
Back in 2018, my nudes unexpectedly went viral. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, and frankly thought my future was ruined. Little did I know, the adventure had just begun.
I moved from my small hometown of Buffalo, NY to Los Angeles, to pursue modeling... I never saw myself as a model (and honestly had little passion for it), but figured so many past career opportunities were closed off to me after millions of people had seen my naked body on the internet.
I really had no idea what I was doing in my early 20s, pursuing one of the most competitive industries in one of the most competitive cities. My makeup was bad, my hair was straw, I had no idea how to pose, and had no business growing in the way that I had. I figured, like all memes, my success online would disappear as quickly as it came. But I got really lucky; life just gained momentum and never stopped, really. It feels like overnight I went from a broke film-school dropout, to world traveling titty model.
I grew up very poor, with food and housing insecurity my whole life. I lived off cheap ramen and never needed much to be happy, so after my basic needs were met, I put everything else into a saving's account... stashing away funds for what'd be my future nonprofit. It was always my dream to start an animal rescue. In this time, I built my credit score, interviewed board directors, phoned lawyers, and dedicated endless hours learning the art of rehabilitating reactive dogs.
In 2021, on my 25th birthday, I signed the most excitingly daunting papers of my life: I was dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars, and putting myself in over half a million worth of debt, to purchase the perfect plot of land for my animal rescue. It was a crazy idea; I knew I was sacrificing everything I had worked for. I could have just taken my wins and bought a happy little life in the middle of nowhere. But I guess I really like cheap ramen.
Since I ran out of cash, I had to build my rescue facilities from scratch. I borrowed tools from neighbors, recycled materials, nagged friends, and studied construction at the good ol' Youtube Academy. I have a lifetime's worth of insulation in my hands, but successfully built a kennel building, doggy bathhouse, laundry facilities, and dog agility park pretty much from scratch. And it looks pretty damn good considering what I had to work with.
That brings us to now... 2024. I'm 28, and it's been 3 years since starting my rescue. I've saved hundreds and hundreds of dogs from shelter euthanasia -- I lost track after 300 and honestly blank on some of their names. I've turned my house into a parvo ward, saved medical dogs that needed tens of thousands of dollars in vetting, and have been bitten a good few times. I'm covered in dog hair and picking up shit laced with tapeworms, but I couldn't be happier.
That's such a quick summary over the last 6 years, and misses so many side quests along the way. But can anyone really summarize their life in less than a novel? Thank you for being part of this true adventure.