hello sg peeps this blog could be a bit on the lenghty side. I have had a lot of thime to tghink over the past few days. I have been thinking about the big changes that took plac over the last year. At this time last year I was very deeply depressed over my first real relationship ending. i had lost all confidence in myself. Then something hit me one day. I lived too much of my life for other ppl and what they wanted. I am a naturally giving person but I realized that i must live for myself. Over the past year I focused on standijng up for who I am and focusing on my own happiness.
Things are overall going quite well. now I live for myself. I have more fun than I ever did. I realized that there are ppl that accept that I do not quite fit in with normal society. I have made awesome friends here. I can't wait to finally meet some of you at the canada east gala.
Well the call centre I used to work at finally announced that they are closing down at the end of july. I am really sad for my co workers and friends that are still there. I am really pissed at the company. It was thier mismanagement that caused all this to happen. And who pays the price. Its the employees at the bottom of the pole. This really has me thinking what I really want to do with my life.
Things are overall going quite well. now I live for myself. I have more fun than I ever did. I realized that there are ppl that accept that I do not quite fit in with normal society. I have made awesome friends here. I can't wait to finally meet some of you at the canada east gala.
Well the call centre I used to work at finally announced that they are closing down at the end of july. I am really sad for my co workers and friends that are still there. I am really pissed at the company. It was thier mismanagement that caused all this to happen. And who pays the price. Its the employees at the bottom of the pole. This really has me thinking what I really want to do with my life.
Theres nothing better in life than to be happy and live it to the fullest as YOU as the individual behind the wheel see best fit. What is this normal society you speak of, what is normal in itself, if you ever find out you should share it with the world. Im sorry to hear about the employees loosing their jobs but im sure things will work out for them, think positive my friend. Keep your head up and good luck with your pursuit of life
Yeah... it sucks to be injured 'cause I'm usually so strong, but my friend accidentally popped the knee out when we were sparring.