Well I am happy to report that 2014 is going great so far. I have a new girlfriend and I like her very much and she likes me a lot too. We have amazing chemistry and we have a great comfort level with each other.
Hello how is everyone today? I am just getting ready to watch the Patriots game. I am diving into improving and studying body language. I got a few really good books about it and it is quite fascinating. I am kinda proud of myself today. My first gf from a few years ago is getting married and I am not even bothered. It feels great...
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Well I must say that after looking back on 2013 I can only say that it was ok overall. I mean it was not a bad year by any stretch but it was far from great. I did not accomplish as much as I would have liked. I am still single and I still live at home both of which I dislike. I took a...
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Wow it has been way too long since my last blog. Well the date that I went on a few weeks ago did not work out =(. My friend is trying to introduce me to a girl but she is very hard to talk to. She is quieter and more introverted than I am. Talking to her has made me realize that I can be...
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How is everyone doing today. i don't have any big events going on so I thought I would write a random blog.
I am at book 29 of 30 for my goal of reading 30 book this year.
I am already kinda sick of Movember. It it not about cancer awareness anymore imo.
Haruki Murakami is quite possibly my favorite author.
I am kinda sad...
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Does anyone else ever have those days where they get really frustrated and depressed with the direction their life is going? I am having one of those days today. I am 32 and I thought that I would be in a better place at this point in life. I mean I thought I would have more money, my own place, a more stable life in...
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Hey hey my SG friends how is everyone? I think I am finally over my annoying cold. Not too much is going on over here. I got Pokemon Y which is damn amazing. My Pirate costume is just about done for the parties that I am going to for Halloween.
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