I'm curious, Do the people that you work with really know the real you? Do you let them in? Do they constantly say things and judge you as if they do?
In My case I would have to say that the people that I work with only know me on the surface. I know that's my fault, but I just don't feel like I can...
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In My case I would have to say that the people that I work with only know me on the surface. I know that's my fault, but I just don't feel like I can...
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Saw Shaolin Soccer today .. It kinda rocked.
Hope everyone is doing well

Hope everyone is doing well
Yay! Glad to know the ol' memory's still kickin.'
I'll have to scroll back and see what you've been up to. You look happy in the pic. Do you feel life's smiling on you, these days? It appears so. This is always the goal, oui?

I'll have to scroll back and see what you've been up to. You look happy in the pic. Do you feel life's smiling on you, these days? It appears so. This is always the goal, oui?

sounds interesting

Saw the movie "The Dreamers" today.. I really kind of liked it.. and wow.. how friggin hot is Eva Green?

Never saw it I should though!
v hot mm
Took the day off from work.
Did my Taxes.
Relaxing / Drinking a little.
Listening to music.
thinking too. too much maybe
Nap time soon.
Going out tonight but not sure where.
thinking too much
Question, well, if you are reading this..
Have you ever felt that thing in the pit of your being, in the pit of your everything.. about someone you were with...
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Did my Taxes.
Relaxing / Drinking a little.
Listening to music.
thinking too. too much maybe
Nap time soon.
Going out tonight but not sure where.
thinking too much
Question, well, if you are reading this..
Have you ever felt that thing in the pit of your being, in the pit of your everything.. about someone you were with...
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pit as in...what? that i miss him? no. that he was the one? again, no. i'm sure you're not the only one. i have that feeling in my tummy now, with the person i'm with now. i've never felt like this, never this sure. never this content. maybe i missed the point of the question....but..whatever it is, i'm sure you're not the only one.
p.s. i can't draw worth crap. sorry!

p.s. i can't draw worth crap. sorry!
eheh thanks man.
8 D
8 D
I woke up this morning with bed head. My hair is fucked and all over the place, but I really don't care.. I kinda like it that way.. specialy since it's growing out and now half brown with bleach on the ends. Growing it too dread yo.
When I leave my apt in a few minutes I'm not gonna touch it...
I have had few...
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When I leave my apt in a few minutes I'm not gonna touch it...
I have had few...
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in response to your 2nd paragraph: you just feel that way becuase all you feel right now is what it's like not to have someone like that in your life. when you find it again, you'll see it in a deeper richer way. trust me.
I for one would like to encourage you to paint. whether anyone likes it or not is null and void. the fact is, it's an incredible form of self expression. you've heard the old saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? well so is perception.
I for one would like to encourage you to paint. whether anyone likes it or not is null and void. the fact is, it's an incredible form of self expression. you've heard the old saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? well so is perception.
I love listening to birdies 

My Grandmother seems to be doing fair after having her feeding tube installed.. I mean, I guess there is no change really for the better or worse.. My mom says that she did mention My Step Grandfather just the other day..(he past away a couple of weeks ago) My Grandma will say.. "He's such a good Daddy", "He's a good Daddy". Although she doesnt show...
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You sound like a softie like me....I give second, third, fourth chances all the time. In some cases, I give millions of chances. Damn, I gotta stop that shit.
For you----->
For you----->

Yea, life is a trip. The way I see it, people are the whole reason that makes it all worth it.

My poor little Grandma will have a feeding tube put in at the hospital in the morning. I hope that she doenst feel a lot of pain. She is a good woman and has been through a lot in the last couple of weeks.
She lost her Husband last week, and was in the Hospital herself so she was not there with him when he...
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She lost her Husband last week, and was in the Hospital herself so she was not there with him when he...
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I just wanted to tell you, I was sitting here writing out my new journal entry, and I was having trouble with something, then I go look at the boards and I see your thread about showing pics of where you live, that thread has helped me out alot, so THANK YOU!!!

You Rock! hehehheehe.... Yeah my husband is in the military, so that is why we are moving, just got to decide where we want to live

"Did you know my Daddys gone?"
"Did you know my Daddys gone?"
My Grandmother is still in the Hospital.. and she's not able to eat or drink. She is becoming very mal nurished, and my mother is afraid she can't live long like this. Last Tuesday in another hospital my step grandfather died, which was her husband for the last 30 years.. My mother finally...
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Parrots rule! But they're sooo much responsibility, and they live soooo long. I'm getting an African Grey from my mom, woo! Well, she's actually gonna be for my BF, because he loves Greys. I'm starting a collection. 

I'm really starting to hate this year.
well my Mom just called and told me that My Step Grandfather died this morning. I'm sad, I wasnt too close with him, but he had been around since I was about 5. He was the only Grandfather that I really knew. anyway.. My mother is not going to tell my Grandmother, because she is in the hospital too, and has been in and out...
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well kids i was made an offer today that if it pans out will take me far away from LA.. I dont have all the info yet, but please keep your fingers crossed for me.. This could be great.
I never really thought of living in Italy before... but what the hell right?

I never really thought of living in Italy before... but what the hell right?

hey, thanks for the welcome : )
italy's lovely!! you only live once - go for it!!
italy's lovely!! you only live once - go for it!!
WOW, Italy!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Always wanted to visit Italy.
maybe someday..
I'm off to new orleans next month, and then Amsterdam in May.

I'm off to new orleans next month, and then Amsterdam in May.
How have you been?
as for the work thing...I usually gravitate towards people like myself...so there are usually one or two people that really get to know me. the rest I like to keep guessing