Lately I have been spending time with new friends.. and going out more. I have been having fun for the first time in a long time. Don't know why, but it's nice..
Beauty Bar last night.. nice peeps at that place yo. My friends are dorks and my best friend Chris, well, He's an ass... Ahhh that feels good.
Tonight I'm not sure what's up.. maybe BarSinister.. but who knows.. if anyone reads this and has suggestions.. that would rock yo.

Beauty Bar last night.. nice peeps at that place yo. My friends are dorks and my best friend Chris, well, He's an ass... Ahhh that feels good.

Tonight I'm not sure what's up.. maybe BarSinister.. but who knows.. if anyone reads this and has suggestions.. that would rock yo.

s so damn cute
and the ex thing is certainly a relief. a minor stress lately, but everything got cleared up. i think i was too worried about be too honest, when the reality is that is he doesn't care anymore. and not in a bad way, but that...he cares about me as a friend and it doesn't bum him out to know that i'm happy with someone else. or at least that's what i got out of our conversation.