I think it's fucking pathetic that watching CNN this morning (as always) I end up seeing a report on how Virginia is "bracing for a record turn out" of voters.
I admit, part of me is excited to watch the American people get all engaged in the political process, including myself, who admittedly, finally realized... Read More
I totally understand.
What scares me is how far behind in the democratic process the American system is.
A two party system? That was outdated almost a century ago!
New Zealand and Japan have a FABULOUS system that should be adopted anywhere that claims to be democratic. However, the American system is touted to Americans as the Ideal and thus people don't actually examine things like whether or not two parties accurately represent the American population, or how the number of seats won may not correspond to the popular vote... Until the American public realizes how far behind they are, no positive change to the system can occur.
Oh and did you know that in some democratic countries you HAVE to vote, it's MANDATORY and you get FINED if you don't. I don't know how well that would work in America - especially with only a two party system. While I appreciate the need for that, it's reassuring to know that I can lock my republican friends in a closet for a night and not have to worry about them.
how fun!
Your little guy is so cute. Mine used to try to get the video camera ALL THE TIME!!! I have almost no video of him, because as soon as he was old enough to walk, he was trying to look through it and see what I was looking at!
I know, I've failed at posting regularly...but in my defense...it's not MY fault that as soon as I compose something to write here it becomes immediately irrelevent due to the continuously worsening state of the universe?!
I'd meant to be a happy little asshole about what a beautiful Labor Day I was having as Hurricane Hannah made landfall...
Waiting for the ferry to the islands...... Read More
Holy crap...how grateful am I that I don't live in Houston anymore! whoooooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Let's get in our time machines and revisit THIS mess for a second? (not katrina but my own personal ptsd regarding hurricanes in the gulf)
Is there anyone else out there who thinks it's not at all a coincidence that there's like, this huge hurricane bearing down on New Orleans, again...right... Read More
Well, at least all we have to deal with here in Iowa is winter, snow, a crappy summer, flooding, tornado's, and maybe an earthquake thanks to New Madrid....suddenly hurricanes just seem to suck equally- plus you don't have to deal with winter...there has got to be someplace nice and boring to live, somewhere....
I absolutely despise babysitting adults. And...I use the term "adult" kinda loosely here.
Maybe I'm just being harsh because I can't remember exactly how mature folks are supposed to BE at 21 years old? I'm pretty sure I wasn't a fucking kleptomaniac though... whatever...
And I understand that we're "doing the right thing" and "helping him get his shit together" but when I'M the one... Read More
I can't believe it's August already! Where the fuck did the summer go?!
Maybe for you folks outside of Massachusetts you had summer...for us? Not so much. I heard on the news just yesterday that this past week of sunshine has been the LONGEST stretch of sun since THE BEGINNING OF JUNE!!! Yes...JUNE!!! Well it's no wonder I've been acting like a crackhead on Prozac... Read More
wow your life sounds brill at the moment, i am sooo happy for you!!!! I wish you all the best honey! ANd as teh good old saying goes... don't let the bastards gring you down!!!!!
I am not the rockstar I once was. I don't stay out late...returning home with new stories of drunken adventures every day. I don't run wild through the streets of whatever state I happen to be living in at the moment. I don't meet new and exciting people. I don't even save the world. In fact, at this point I'm lucky if I remember to... Read More
ASL is the only way to sign to a baby, IMO. besides, if they make deaf friends and all they know is baby sign, the deaf friend is going to be like wtf, then sign that the hearing kid is an asshole. you, lady, you are a rockstar!!
Cheers to being Rock Stars! As usual, we are having the same emotional feelings, at the same time, and that is why, my dear, we are such fantastic friends!!!
Gone are the days of European Jet setting, and going to work on a 1/2 hour sleep, to wake up and function with alcohol still oozing out of our poors.
But aren't you glad we experienced it?? Aren't you glad that we didn't get knocked up at 17, and THEN want to go through a wild phase when our children were here, and make them suffer through it??
To me, watching their face as their feet first touch the grass, is better then any night out, one night stand, or any vacation I have ever taken.
We are all rock stars... even though the mommy years!!
Despite some logistical setbacks, by 6:30AM Saturday morning the family was packed up and on the road toward nowheresville, Massachusetts...also known as Palmer...also known as, The 2nd Annual Milltown Ink Hotrod Show...
We arrived uneventfully 2 hours later, set up our little vendor station in exactly the same space as last year, and commenced Project Pinstripe. The hubs did some babysitting... Read More
Beautiful work, and congrats on such a great weekend!
Roger is too adorable for words.
I think babies sleep with one eye open so they know the exact moment you leave their side to use the bathroom/eat/get something done. LOL They then wait about 40 seconds and wake up. "haha I tricked you!"
What scares me is how far behind in the democratic process the American system is.
A two party system? That was outdated almost a century ago!
New Zealand and Japan have a FABULOUS system that should be adopted anywhere that claims to be democratic. However, the American system is touted to Americans as the Ideal and thus people don't actually examine things like whether or not two parties accurately represent the American population, or how the number of seats won may not correspond to the popular vote... Until the American public realizes how far behind they are, no positive change to the system can occur.
Oh and did you know that in some democratic countries you HAVE to vote, it's MANDATORY and you get FINED if you don't. I don't know how well that would work in America - especially with only a two party system. While I appreciate the need for that, it's reassuring to know that I can lock my republican friends in a closet for a night and not have to worry about them.