Woohoo!! It's NYE!!! I got off work early, it's beer time!!! No set plans at the moment, but alcohol will be included...... even if it's just strolling to Elmyr for a few pitchers... and rocking in the new year with my favorite waitresses. Though with any luck I'll be going to the Claremont to see Mastadon, and rock in the new year with a kick...
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HEY!!!! I am in town. call me on my cellphone!!!
Sometimes a song can really catch a really relate with what, or where you are in life. With New years coming around I think this Iron Maiden song kind of sums it up (who'da thunk it :p).....

From the coast of gold, across the seven seas, I'm travelin' on, far and wide
But now it seems, I'm just a stranger to myself
And all the...
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Hmmmmmm............. I really hate it when people talk about the problems........... wich happen to be the same as everyone else's, but somehow it's worse because it's thiers..

*random babbles of wisdom*
"Save a tree, chop down a hippie"
"The last place you look is where you find eveything (even if it's the first). Who'd continue looking for something after they find it?!?!?!"

WHEEEE!!!!!!!!! after a weekend of steady work I transformed my "cheesecake" comic site H.T. Cow Comics, to it's new identity: Wildside comics. It basicly envolved retooling everything to help promote the few print projects that involve characters that I've helped create over the years. All the material on the site now is a little dated, but once all of it gets automaticly reposted (as a...
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Blech!!! The monday through friday working stiff life sucks!!! Oh well, at least I'm looking forward to having some of my non Roth and Earl stuff published in the spring of next year smile With any luck that'll leave me no choice but to drop my computer slaying job, and take up the freelance artist gig full time (crosses fingers)
Here's a really amusing link for cartoon lovers out there:

Hey..thats a great nic youve got there. Few and far between are people that clever.
Yay!! My online comic strip Roth and Earl has topped 1225 hits in only two months with limited effort in promoting (even though this is a cheap plug). I'm just pretty proud of the fact. smile
What the fuck?!?!?!?! Why in the hell would someone want to start picking off Dimebag Darrel, and the rest of Damage Plan???? The motherfucker got off light being killed on the scene. It's sad to see such a talented musicians get taken out in such a screwed manner.

Ya it does suck. I just saw them saturday.

The police are saying Dimebag yelled at the guy who shot him. He was a musician of some sort, and I guess they didnt get a long. Def. grudge match right there.

Jeeze, and I thought this crap was limited to dimwitted gangsta rappers........
Yeah, I like having a "day job" where I break stuff. Stripping computers of "good" parts, and destroying the rest is pretty fun. It is pretty good therapy to deal with the day to day stress of a abstract thinking metal-hick (or maybe even hellbilly) in the big city smile
so you got a new job? i didn't know this!
Oh, yeah!!! It's a steady mon-fri deal! It's pretty cool.
Ummm.... yeah this is without a doubt a "first journal post". Hmmm yeah, not much to say...... 'ello everybody I guess I need a little sticker with "Hello my name is.....", but I'll leave it at this.
awww...what a cute little kitty!!! biggrin

hey, welcome!
Thank you, thank you. smile

Yeah sniper-kitty is a pretty cute picture, especially if you like postal housepets miao!!