Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, goddamn.

frown frown frown frown frown
What a day..... I feel like I've been off all day. I've been bumbling all day..... dropping things at work, forgetting.... almost like I was on drugs again. Blech!!! I did finish a new strip for Roth and Earl.... at least I got that done without stabbing my hand with my freaking pen.

I need something structured to work on..... I had one potential story...
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I'm glad that Tuesday is over, I wouldn't say it was a hard day, or overall bad day. I just kept fighting off this empty worthless feeling in my gut. See.. yesterday was my son's second birthday, and it was just consuming all my thoughts. I just kept feeling like I had to hunt down my lost ex to find him. I've been deprived both...
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Hrmmmmm, well I missed out on the S.G. Chineese New Year becuase I felt like crap. Wich was a bummer since I would have gotten to party with most of the people I've met since moving down here. Then again I would have been a total stick in the mud if I had stuck around (bleck!!).

I finally got a room reserved for Fantasm weekend,...
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I am so there!!
Fantasm here we come!
Busy day , went by pretty quickly.... now I'm getting pretty bored and I'm sober..... I need some beer. ARRR!!!
biggrin biggrin biggrin
Wow talk about highs and lows and constants.....

The highs (in no particular order):
*I got to go see a concert with easily one of the coolest people I've met in my time here in Atlanta.
*Thought I made a closer connection to a really nice person.
*Met a new interesting person, who happens to live in the same apartments with my friend Ocean
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Being sick bites!!! I actually missed work yesterday to get a little recoop time and while it worked, and I feel alot better I still can't shake the feeling like I didn't really do anything productive. I did get a little bit of drawing done.... but not nearly as much as I would have hoped given I had the whole day to draw, and feel...
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I love, love, LOVE the sniping kitten. It was my user pic a while back. biggrin

Just wanted to say hello, saw you on Vanuslux's page.

Being sick does suck. frown
Got new comicstrips on Roth and Earl. Also we are entering our third month, and getting closer to our 3000th visit, have broken the top 100 of our web site competition (come one give us a vote).

Wildside Comics has the reprints of older Hardcore strips (daily). All of this gearing up for the new material to debut mid febuary.

Um..... yeah it's "hump" day. Got a new Roth and Earl comic strip done last night. Not to mention chatting with one of my favorite online people smile It's been a pretty laid back first half..... maybe the second half will be pretty good.
biggrin biggrin biggrin
After a weekend of laundry, cartooning, beer, and chatting online I guess it's time to go back to the old ball and chain (of work that is). Gotta go make some dough, scratch, benjimans...... you get the point. Oh yeah check out (it should be up today) http://www.rothandearl.com it's updated (should be by now).

I don't know what my problem is as of late...... I've been rather drained as of late. I've been in an exhustion indused daze since Christmas, even going out last night with some of the coolest people I've met since moving down to Ga (wich usually hypes me up)..... didn't get much of a reaction out of me.... oh well... maybe this year's holiday crapfest...
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aww you added me, how nice

and yes..much..draining..burning at both ends

i think i'll go into a coma now

Belated Happy New Year, hope everyone who made a resolution can stick to it smile
didn't make one.

you the artist for roth and earl?