If you have no clue what Salad Fingers is click this!! It's fucking hilarious!! I like it when the red water comes out :p smile
Newgrounds RULE.

My favorite has to have been the Donkey Punch Brittany Spears flash game. Good times =D
for the most part.
Wow! I feel like I finaly accomplished something this weekend. Here's a quick rundown.....

1. I got my 11x17 scanner up and working.
2. Went over to charlie's house and in his absense fixed his computer so Stitch, and Rosie could get back online.
3. Inked a couple pages for my current gig (stormblazer)
4. Penciled and submitted a couple more pages to my editor...
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oh i am counting on it!
thank you! that means a lot coming from you.
Well today was a fun day at work.... I got a promotion again (this time a decent one). Now I get to crack the whip over 8 senoritas that are being hired to dismantle computers so we can sell bulk items (boards, drives, powersupplies, and wire). Of course I got a raise.... however it (like always) has a catch.... I have to get them to...
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its a shame you couldn't stop!
i totally understand. there isn't much to valdosta except for me anyways. *smile*
Ahhh...... I love being broke it forces me to focus on my art. I still wish I could balance out the social life and the art better, but I'll manage.

I seriously doubt there is the off kilter alpha to my omega here in Atlanta, if there is a person alone like that out there. The kind of person I can have my usual off...
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single is good sometimes. it has it's pluses. Dating is good too...but dating people that sucks is not. therefore, it is good to wait, until you can find someone that doesn't suck.

and that is the wisdom of molly elegantly put. *smile*
you are preaching to the choir there. i am as gullible as they get and set myself up to get hurt time and time again. it sucks.
Life is good, and I'm better. Work has been kinda rough, but at least I have a few things to keep that from bringing me down. With any luck it'll get even better.

My current art gig is making progress slowly, but surely..... it always takes longer than I like to complete this stuff...... oh well..... I'll get over it.

Well the week started off by shoving a shit sandwich down my throat. I got in a wreck (as a passenger) right if front of my apartment complex Monday evening (about 5:30).... so I ended up spending most of the evening in the emergency room getting my neck x-rayed, cat scanned, ect...... yippie! I did get to catch the last couple minutes of the Dallas/Redskins...
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Ok, I've turned a 180 on the mood after realizing no matter how bad I feel..... it's pointless to dwell when it comes to things involving other people.... just more reason for me to be a sociopathic hermit (not in a bad way). About at this point I think I need to focus on my work. Trying to fix my life's issues is about as...
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Well, today was a nice day.......... I wish I wasn't in such of a stink so I could have enjoyed it more....... why do things always seem to go smoothly when you're a hair's strand away from snapping??? Oh well I guess I'd better count my blessings, and do some apt. hunting....... joy!!!!!
Single again, yippie fucking do da!! It's Dragon*Con time again too. This series of events is becoming an annual ritual frown
don't you hate having not much to say, yet have alot to say as well?? Fuck it.... it's not worth wasting my breath.... or expending the energy to type it.

i do. i have that problem all the time.

i will log on click on update...and stare at the screen for a little while and then just give up.
Well I did a little cosmetic to the Wildside Comics site, not the mention the regular update (blessed be the automated update).

I also have it from a good source (the writer/webmaster of R&E Vanuslux) that a new Roth and Earl should be up by Tuesday.

Yippie!, and don't forget to vote for both sites in their competitions, and/or send us your hate mail...
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im going to send you hatemail for not going to dragoncon.
to everyone out there who deserves it for one reason or another........... GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A BARBED WIRE COVERED CACTUS!!!!! Thank you............

mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad