My summer is a BLUR!! But I'm doing very well! I miss you folks and will try to be more active on here! I haven't even had time to at least read peoples journals, so I'm sorry if I've missed anything exciting in your lives!
If you haven't missed me, have you at least missed my inane questions?

1. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? What is it?
2. Do you like road trips? What's the best one you've ever taken?
3. Best movie you've seen this summer, be it in the theater or a rental?
4. What are you wearing?
"California, Here I Come
Right back where I started from
where bowers of flowers
bloom in the spring
each morning at dawning
birdies sing at everything
a sunkissed miss said, "Don't be late!"
that's why I can hardly wait
open up that golden gate
California, Here I Come"
I'll be here this weekend!
2. i love hitting the road, alone or with good company. los angeles to boston 1 year ago. 11 days of incredible adventure.
3. knocked up was pretty funny.
4. an indian wrap around skirt and happy face tshirt. total hippie today.
miss you!
I saw the picture of the mural of mexican cinema, pretty neat!!