In case you were wondering what I look like in full on relaxation mode....
In case you were wondering what I look like in full on dork mode....
And in case you were wondering what someone too hot for their own good looks like....
and lastly, if you want to see what an extra tasty plate of guacamole & chips looks like....
Hope you are all prepared for the holidays!
What are you doing this year?
My dad & stepmom are staying with me (much to the horror of my mom), so we will be one big happy family on Christmas eve and Christmas day.
We are going to my friend's house on Christmas eve, which is always fun, and then Christmas day my stepmom and I will cook (I'm going to try to wow them with Dorwayin's delicious "apples en paquette" recipe) and I will pick SurlyMike up at the airport so he can join us for dinner and maybe some football watching.
On the 27th my mom goes in for ankle replacement surgery.
I'm worried about her, I hope it goes okay!
so, what are your plans?
and of course i remember "LadyHawke"!
loved Rutger in "The hitcher", i heard recently that a remake is coming out
looking forward to seeing your photos
i cant remember!
all i remember is how bizarre the film was, and the really weird dinner scene...
maybe i need to rewatch it?