I stood outside for 45 minutes trying to score a ticket, but no luck, as I was not the only one looking. I almost bought a ticket online the day before, but didn't want to pay $7 in service fees for a $10 ticket. Oh well, I will not cheap out next time!
Before the Devotchka show that wasn't, I went to a Spanish language meetup, where you can meet up with native speakers and others trying to learn the language. I met some really nice people, but I think that having the meetup in a bar was a bad idea....I have a hard enough time understanding people when they speak Spanish, so trying to hear them over music and other bar patrons was impossible. They are looking for another location, I hope they find some place mas tranquila.
When I went to LA in July I got to go to Catalina Island, which is home to my favorite movie theater in the whole wide world. I was lucky enough to take frequent trips to Avalon, Catalina as a child, and tried to go as much as possible as I got older. A trip to Avalon for me is incomplete without going to this theater. I don't care what movie is playing, I will still go to the movies. Sadly, that dedication bit me in the ass the last time, as the horrid Superman Returns was playing.

Here is the entrance to the theater

Here is the "Casino" (not really a gambling casino, it houses the theater, an enormous ballroom, and a museum).
The Casino was built in 1929.

The walls inside the theater are covered in murals

Above the screen is Boticelli's birth of venus (sort of). As a kid I remember she always seemed like she was glowing during the movie. The ceiling of the theater is domed and there are tiny lights that make it seem like you are outside and can look up at the stars. If you ever get to Catalina, I highly recommend going to the movies!!

Now time for some questions!!!
1. Do you have a favorite movie theater?
2. Do you have a favorite David Lynch film?
3. A favorite Indian (if you don't do Indian, how about Mexican) food dish?
4. Tell me a movie you love that involves a road trip.
5. Are you a cat person, or a dog person, or do you love (hate?) them equally?
6. What's your favorite candy bar?
7. Who's your favorite female singer of the 80's?
I hope you all had stellar weekends!!!
Oh no! Sorry about your car. You should have let us know. We could have driven you home. I am glad it all worked out.
have a fun trip!