OK so after reading so many of her posts on groups we have in common(agreeing so often with her), and having admired her sets for so long....I had to move Flux to my Favorite SG. Does that sound creepy? I hope not!


posted on a lot of topics tonight... hope I did not offend anyone
Going to the Nationals opening day today... right behind first base 8 rows up... I am very stoked
Poker tonight... chance to win a couple hundred bucks... wish me luck!
Sometimes I have DICK to say
way to pop my testimonial cherry. was it good for you?

also +1 for the use of the word dick in that sentence. i liked it.
So I recently went to one of my best friends first "prfessional" art shows... we were both so stoked... we both got really "In" to art around the same time in high school... he and i both kept pursuing art in one form or another on our own... he more than I... he is becoming succesful now... as are some of my other friends who...
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Do it.
You will never know unless you try. and you might just discover that it opens all new doors of expression for you. And if its not that good, who cares, do it for you because if it makes you happy, what does it matter what others think.
Back in MD.. i have been drinking all day... ther saddest thing about people who don't drink is... that when they wake up... that is the best they will feel all day... who quit me? I am trying to get to 200 friends... someone quit... Why?????
Going back to MD tomorrow... I have to pack, but I am too busy drinking. Though I really should get on the ball. I know from experience that the more I drink the greater the likelyhood that I will leave something in the hotel room.

Also, if you go to miami... do yourself a favor (that I forgot to do this time) fly in to...
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Hm...sounds a bit like me!
Im a bartender, waitress, alcoholic wink who's best friend is named KC and who lives with the only man I will every truely love, Morpheus my 1year old kitty. I waste most of my time dreaming about being something great, reading whatever I can get my hands on, staring at naked chicks on the internet, and trying to get to as many countrys as possible on someone elses dollar
Going to Miami tomorrow. Is there anyone out there that can give me some recomendations of where to go?
I've never been to Miami, but I hope you have fun.