you're such a smart ass, i love it. sarcasim is a dying art form. hey that'll be the medium i work in. think they have shows for that kind of thing? no wait, Howard stern has one. hehehe
i was hoping someone would get that reference, i was drunk on martell, the thing to drink when you argue over napoleonic military strategums and like you said, that is the #1 argument among those i basically was so drunk i took the field soldiers point of view that the imperial gaurd betrayed our effort and exposed our flank....
Why do I feel like I know Razor13? I've never even *met* the guy. Razor, seriously, I have no idea why I keep writing like that when I "talk" to you ... my White Trash upbringing? Nah ...
Ever notice that this is my favorite smilie? Probably because it's the closest thing to *eg* ... Evil Grin.
I suffer from the semi-conscious wish to have... Read More
I did stay up too late anyway .. thanks to BrokenAlice and "O"livia for chatting with me.
Tomorrow I have to email some guy in Hong Kong who I've never dealt with ... along with getting more product (anyone know where to find RIS foregrips for an M-16/M-4 for under $80?).
[Edited on May 03, 2003]