I have been officially corrupted ... I bought something on Ebay. eeek

A latex tank top for $25 biggrin

Other stuff I found:
Cool Art
A Saddle
Jeweled Handcuffs

Those Jeweled handcuffs fucking roxx0r!

BTW, caricature is up!!
I posted it in that thread about my comic strip...

This song is just so .... moving ... love

Went to "work" today (they needed help & I need $) ... the owner's wife INTENTIONALLY pissed off the Webmaster .... buy stuff now, I don't what the hell is going on there now. surreal

Going to a party in Sacramento saturday ... it better be as cool as I hope, Sac sucks. miao!!

Thanks for your kind words, they have been much apreciated

The Nexus is a thing of beauty. I seriously considered a display case.
I've turned my friend Joy onto one of my favorite web sites (not SG, although she loves this one too) and now I have to wait in line for my own computer. tongue

Here's another one,
Block Death.

Maybe I'll sprinkle a few others in later, it gives me something to put into this blank space. biggrin


ohh, m-m-my GOD!
-laughing so hard i could puke!

just found THIS one!
You are forgiven. But that was....ewwwwwww.
Psyche ... Thanks for the helpful advice tongue

It's only Sunday and I'm already bored.

My profile pic will continue to reflect that. biggrin

bored sundays, know what you mean
cheers for the hug, and.... hey you got the same birthday as me..... but you were born in a cooler year!!!
God, Marvin the Martian made me giggle. Thank you.
Well, my 9 day weekend starts now ... I love the time off, but the lack of money is going to suck. eeek

I haven't bought my Prom tickets yet. mad

Please vote:
A) Be prudent and hold on to my $ in case I'm unemployeed for real.
B) Live in the Now and get the tickets anyway.

well, if you really want to go to prom. get them now in case you can't get them later. if it's a whatever thing, then well, hold on to your money.
Read Hel's thread in Dirty Talk here

Hel's Kittens ... like the suicide squad in Life of Brian love

BTW, I can't bring myself to like things I don't like, no matter how PC it may be. ..... Just a random thought

that girl sure was showing a lot of furry pussy, that's all i'msayin' about it...
Dude.. I fucked one girl.. about 5 times on film... She sold every scene to some company... I got paid.. I never saw her again...

Thus is the life of a nobody porn
r star.

[Edited on Mar 26, 2003]
Thursday I posted that I was laid-off (news I recieved on Tuesday) ... Friday, just before we closed, the owner called us into his office one at a time. eeek

As I followed him to his office I joked, "What more can you do to me?"

He can wreck my plans. mad

I'm not being laid-off ... the Webmaster's wife is. eeek

i think he's being smokin' the...
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what? patsy cline is SO sexual...just not in the conventional way.
walkin after midnight? holy cow... thats rockin.

as for you, mr...
i too rode the webwave.com. bleh. double bleh.
hold on!
hm... let me know what happens re: your work!

cool new profile pic smile

and there is a plan afoot to visit the Power Exchange someday soon... the b/f and i are deeply depraved wink
The new pic is my GF and I ... taken the same night as the infamous "Horned Helmet" pic. tongue

Que forms to the left, women only (her rules). This is a "velvet rope" situation, I'm sure you understand. smile

Newz: Due to a sucky Xmas season and some 2nd generation idiot starting a war, I will be unemployed starting 4/1. As I'm 33% of the...
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I hear ya on the unemployment issue...it appears as though getting a job is impossible for everyone...and getting to school just as hard with gas prices. i'm not so proud to be an american right now *watching shit blow up on the news*
(The orgy thread made me think of this)

True Story:
I was seeing this girl casually (we met in the SCA) and she invited me to her roomate's B-Day party. I was warned that it was intended to be an orgy. eeek

Never having been to one and not really believing they happen outside Penthouse Forum, I said I'd go. My friend pulled me into a...
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lol, indeed, that's effed up. having never partaken of orgiastic rites myself, i would have liked to have heard the alternate ending to this story biggrin
oh my god, too funny!

but tell me - why doesn't this kind of thing ever happen to me??
Spent a lovely weekend with my GF, no hassles or places I had to go. love

We decided to go out last night because we had to get dressed to drop off DVDs (seemed silly to do it it for a one mile round trip). Stopped for coffee at SoCoCo's were the least attractive girl who worked there proctected her co-worker from our flirting. biggrin

Cruised through...
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I smile! i swear. it just seems that it doesn't happen a whole hell of a lot when i am getting naked.
that probably would have made my weekend better, staying to paths i know...but know, i got adventurous and in trouble...sigh, at least trouble is fun most of the time.
I just finished going through the sets and adding pics to my photo album thing biggrin

There are 45 of them and I didn't even go crazy!

Is there a maximum? shocked

I'm waiting for a call from a girl. She's supposed to over tonight .... nervous and hopeful, that's me. I'm so used to people flaking. mad

Question: The last time you flaked or stood someone up,...
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Two of the people from work (the owner and the Webmaster) just returned from a Trade Show in Vegas. I must admit that I'm excited (not that way biggrin) by a lot of the stuff they found.

The coolest is a backpack designed around a piece of equipment .... a skateboard!! love

I'm not sure what the price will be, but it'll most likely be in...
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