I can't wait to go play tonight!
i may not sing but i promise to grope those who do, and want groping!
any how here's a recap of my week...
monday was a lovely day, got up early to meet the oy at the airport, he didn't notice me til he was almost out the revolving door! i likes being sneaky!
for the rest of the day i got to walk around with good company in the sunshine, and even went to see hard candy, it was a good movie, but it's one of those you respect because it accomplished it's purpose, rather than one you make all of your friends go see a million times. we ended up at EAST and listened to a variety of good tunes, IPOD UPOD is a fun night, maybe if i had a better musical sense of the world and one of those gizmos i'd participate...
tuesday i spent quality time with my wife, and after a shaky start in the morning i was pleased the day ended quite well, i always leave her house feeling 8X better and with my shoulders feeeling lighter!
wednesday was a sit at home and contemplate life day, i watched way too much smallville, and wrote a lot. it was a good day though.
thursday was a nice sunny day, i watched some more smallville with the lovely elphie, went to a boob-a-q and got to spend time with friends. the lushous manmachine was there to entertain me while simultaneously learnng the bass
it's nice to have multiple people out in the world who can make me grin like a cheshire cat!
last night was good times, i enjoyed the fireworks, afterwards i got dolled up and headed to a moulin rouge themed surprise party at sabalas, there was kareoke and plenty to oogle, even had boys hitting on me
all in all it was good times good times! after the party we headed to montage, the food was meh, but we actually had a really amazing waiter, go figure eh?
finally fell asleep around 430 am, and woke up alot later than expected, there was all sortsa wacky silliness then it was off to work.
it's been slow but i've learned a lot today
hopefully the rest of the afternoon will be delightful, and tonight ill be a friggin blast!
i can't wait to see all of you!
i may not sing but i promise to grope those who do, and want groping!
any how here's a recap of my week...
monday was a lovely day, got up early to meet the oy at the airport, he didn't notice me til he was almost out the revolving door! i likes being sneaky!
for the rest of the day i got to walk around with good company in the sunshine, and even went to see hard candy, it was a good movie, but it's one of those you respect because it accomplished it's purpose, rather than one you make all of your friends go see a million times. we ended up at EAST and listened to a variety of good tunes, IPOD UPOD is a fun night, maybe if i had a better musical sense of the world and one of those gizmos i'd participate...
tuesday i spent quality time with my wife, and after a shaky start in the morning i was pleased the day ended quite well, i always leave her house feeling 8X better and with my shoulders feeeling lighter!
wednesday was a sit at home and contemplate life day, i watched way too much smallville, and wrote a lot. it was a good day though.
thursday was a nice sunny day, i watched some more smallville with the lovely elphie, went to a boob-a-q and got to spend time with friends. the lushous manmachine was there to entertain me while simultaneously learnng the bass

last night was good times, i enjoyed the fireworks, afterwards i got dolled up and headed to a moulin rouge themed surprise party at sabalas, there was kareoke and plenty to oogle, even had boys hitting on me

finally fell asleep around 430 am, and woke up alot later than expected, there was all sortsa wacky silliness then it was off to work.
it's been slow but i've learned a lot today

hopefully the rest of the afternoon will be delightful, and tonight ill be a friggin blast!
i can't wait to see all of you!
I can't wait to actually interact with people tonight
See you there!

Well, you got the lush right.