- on hippomonki's page
going to be visiting atlanta briefly the first week of october
so.... as a mommy sometimes you have to schedule getting laid... and as a nerd sometimes you have to reschedule getting laid because of Mars Rover Landings..... it's tough being a nerd......
my "brother-in-law" owns a few awesome restaurants in downtown atlanta & old fourth ward. P'cheen International Bistro & pub. Pizzaria Vezuvious & Bone Lick BBQ (voted some of the best bbq in atlanta) Have fun!
7 years ago i was beating asses, eating fruit that had been soaking in alcohol all day, playing in hot tubs, meeting SO MANY new people and applying peas to broken arms after canadians had fallen on chipper black men....
tonight i played in the park til dark, made meatloaf played with playdough and started learning russian.... not the same, not the same....
tonight i played in the park til dark, made meatloaf played with playdough and started learning russian.... not the same, not the same....
I know how it is. Funny how life changes when you have little ones. 

in maybe less than two yerars I will have to give up or sell my house if I do not go back to work. I will be forced to sell my house I own. Yes Portland would be my first thought to move to and afford a motnhly rent that would not lead my partners or myself in the doghouse. I wouldn't maker the move if I didn't think I could afford my own share.
Portland is definitely understanding of people's stuggles, pain, accesspresion , loss, and yeah hope still. I admire that mentality. more than just one chance to prove yourself or your band. You'll get two if your good. I like waitresses in portland eateries, beaties serving us food and also sharing thier opinion on your band or group. Not just negative response but mostly honests comments on how the crowd reacted. I still rember portland busstops with numbers to call to see when your bus is due. Brilliant almost maraculous. I think our true diffrences in the shadow play theatre group just really draw us closely together and more as an experienced family rather than some scared unpreparred couple.
so totally right
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is sooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuute!! How can you do anything but smile when that sweet sweetie is casting her precious peepers on you. What a doll. Big love to you, Mardi Gras fairies.
trying to date sucks....
part of me wishes i had stayed celibate, it was less frustrating.
having to deal with:
amazing boys who don't put out
less than awesome boys who do but aren't worth more than the time it takes to do so, and are inconsistent with even that...
boys who would be perfect if they hadn't been broken by some other girl....
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part of me wishes i had stayed celibate, it was less frustrating.
having to deal with:
amazing boys who don't put out
less than awesome boys who do but aren't worth more than the time it takes to do so, and are inconsistent with even that...
boys who would be perfect if they hadn't been broken by some other girl....
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I feel ya, but, if it weren't so dern special it would be easy, eh.
Well If you and I lived closer, I'd definitely ask you on a date. Or if we're near the same location.

Had an amazing time on friday night, it was SOOOOOO good to be out and act like an adult! it felt very 2005/2006! got to watch wakeangel and germany play with fire, and that is always a good time. always. got to rock a ridiculous mustache and had a beautiful girl on my arm the whole time!
got molested by DogEye and fallen1carus and just...
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got molested by DogEye and fallen1carus and just...
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Hooray for fun and grown up times!
Universes must collide and cause our meeting! Why hasn't this happened yet!?
blows off dust....
pssst..... is this thing on???
now to go join groups....
pssst..... is this thing on???
now to go join groups....
If you and mini mouse make it within 100 miles of me, I'll pick you up. And drag you where ever 

ah thank you 
welcome back to the site

welcome back to the site
has it really been two years? i'll prolly only be around for a few moths then back to the nothing til i am lured back again...
recap of the last few years....
baby shower was wonderful i had so many friends there it was amazing to be so well loved and supported
the most recent time i have had intimate contact with anyone.
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recap of the last few years....

the most recent time i have had intimate contact with anyone.

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i'm going to be grey very soon, it's kinda relieving, and kinda like wow.
thank you to all of the amazing people i have met and held dear to my heart.
in the last 5 years there have been more of you than i ever expected.
if any of you care or don't already have my info
drop me a line on the non sg...
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thank you to all of the amazing people i have met and held dear to my heart.
in the last 5 years there have been more of you than i ever expected.
if any of you care or don't already have my info
drop me a line on the non sg...
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If you're into Electronic Music, check out stuff at the Vault and the Church...