It's late. I thought I should update with *something*. I'll post something more original later.

( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(x) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
(x) I've Never Been To Japan
( ) I've Never...
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I love SG. There's no way I could leave entirely. I just don't devote as much time to this journal. In the words of someone else... keeping more than one online journal is crazy. And these SG journals are too trackable.

However, there's still too many good features on this site for me to just up and leave. I just have to take care...
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I'm glad I signed up for a years membership a while ago. I think the bank is about to cancel my credit card due to lack of min payments. Sucks because I just started working and I can finally start paying it off.
Maybe if I beg?
Juice is indeed good! I wish I had a bigger kitchen so's i could fill it right up with gadgetry of all kinds!

If you check out Sarah Kramer's blog, there is a hilarious article that she's put up a link for. The author of said article (whom I believe is an American, for the record) refers to Sarah's upbringing in "remote Regina, Saskatchewan". Umm, it's only the second largest city as well as the capital of Saskatchewan. It's not that remote. Unless, of course, Sarah was raised in the boonies in the outskirts of said city. You should ask her if you ever meet her again. smile
As funny as this sounds... I think I want to get my logo tattoo'ed somewhere on my body. It wouldn't have to be big or anything... but it's an unmistakable sign of who I am right now (who I"ve been the past couple of years) and it seems like it would be appropriate.

Just something small... in case I ever stop being Hipples. (As if...
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Coffee of any kind is always a good idea!
Nice. Thanks for the tag Colette! Let's see... twenty random facts... I think I can do this (I know some people that have made lists of 100 or more, so I can do at least twenty).

1. I really enjoy reading lately, and just today I visited my favorite local used book store and finally got my own copy of "On The Road" by Kerouac....
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wait, do i now have to write twenty random facts? dizzaaaaaamn! i'll do that on my next update, although i can't promise that i won't re-use some from the time i did this in my lj a couple months ago.
Hey, those are really good! Nice work.
Last night I went out to Lucky Bar for Solid. It was not much fun for me. Normally, going to the club by myself isn't too bad, because I've made a habit of getting to know anyone that's there as often as I am. There's usually some acquaintance that I can dance near or sit beside. (There are only a few of the indie kids...
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I hate fruitflies! mad We have some flying around, and there really isn't any food out that would attract/breed them. Where do they come from?

Oh, Heeples, why are you never here anymore? I like hearing about your fun dates & stuff.
This is an awesome new set by a very cool girl. Everyone check out elle's - " The Darkroom"

(I'm a little late to update... I've been away from the computer most of the weekend. Other updates will follow...)


Wow, I feel super lame. IT's been so long without a proper update. Well, I know I keep saying this, but I will be...
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I love you for reppin' me. If Girls had a Favorite Members list, rest assured you'd be my #1. kiss
Apparently somebody that I know came accross this online journal. Although I always try to keep the privacy of most people I talk about, they were able to use some random information to clue in on who some things were about.

Anyways, long story short, I'm going to censor my last entry, as well as the entries it is linked to. I didn't mean to...
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Oh where, oh where, has my leetle Heeples gone? Oh where, oh where can he beeeee?

confused whatever shocked

(the "whatever" smiley is me looking for you. It does not signify eye-rolliness.)
Thanks, Jeremy.
My LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/~HowEndingsBegin/

Tonight I went to Solid Saturday at Lucky once again. It's always a lot of fun. I saw a few people that I knew that night.

I've been noticing that a lot of my friends know one another. As I slowly meet new people, I discover different bonds. I've made a resolution for myself, that if I'm ever going to sleep with...
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I wish I had something to say.

But I don't.
You're such a sweet puppy, Hipples, I adore you. I'm not really that sad... I'm just sad when I'm around SG. The rest of my life is going so well, and I'd love to chat (we should exchange email addresses/lj user names, no?) with you about everything that's happening in our lives. It sounds like you want very badly to move... and I want to talk to you about that urge (because I, too, have the urge. Daily). I want to tell you what's making me sad but I'm so afraid that I'll get booted if I do. REGARDLESS!!!

I check my mailbox everyday. It may just take a while... I guess. Please send me your address and I'll send you one and we'll see how that works out. I have hysterical Tennessee postcards that you'll be glad to post on your fridge.

Chin up, beautiful. Get in touch with me pronto. kiss
I find that all too frequently. There are days when I write pages and pages of nothing. September seems to have been one such day.
HP : HBP : OMGWTF!!!1one

I finished reading it on the return trip last night. frown

So yeah... I'm back now. All deep thoughts aside, it was a very good trip. I left my house in a bit of a mess, so I'm going to tidy it up. And then tonight I think I'm going to check out a movie. That "Emily Rose" flick sounded interesting...

I've heard the movie is alright as long as you aren't looking for something scary.
HBP was awesome. What I've really loved about the series is the way J.K Rowling has been able to make the subject matter darker and more mature as the original fans have gotten older.
My goodness, it's been days, and I need my Hipples fix!

Thanks for the birthday greetings! I'm off with the band tonight to hang out & have a few drinks. Gotta stay pretty sober though, I'm working tomorrow verrrrry early!
